Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo
NOVASINERGIA, 2019, Vol. 2, No. 2, junio-noviembre, (58-67)
ISSN: 2631-2654
Research Article
Graphic user interface for synchrotron beamline
Interfaz gr
afica de usuario para una l
ınea de luz de sincrotr
Jose Brito del Pino
*, Felipe Brito del Pino
, Moshe Brito del Pino
, Diego Reina
Facultad de Ingenier
ıa, Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo, Riobamba, Ecuador, 060108; mybrito.fis@unach.edu.ec;
Transmissions Department, Coorporaci
on Nacional de Telecomunicaciones, Riobamba, Ecuador, 060102;
* Correspondence: jose.brito@unach.edu.ec
Recibido 15 abril 2019; Aceptado 05 noviembre 2019; Publicado 10 diciembre 2019
This research consisted of developing a graphical user interface in Python language
for the reconstruction of images based on the propagation technique (PBI).
The methodology used consisted of rewriting and ordering the existing code by
reformulating it in the form of classes and methods to link them to the graphical user
interface template using PyQt. The analysis requirements, design, and implementation
of user graphic interface were explained. The graphical user interface permitted
conducted two experiments using the PBI technique and analyzing their differences
and similarities, and demonstrating that the algorithm for reconstruction was testing
Beamline, graphical user interface, image processing, python, tomography
Esta investigaci
on consisti
o en desarrollar una interfaz gr
afica de usuario en lenguaje
Python para la reconstrucci
on de im
agenes basada en la t
ecnica de propagaci
basada en im
agenes (PBI). La metodolog
ıa utilizada consisti
o en volver a escribir
y ordenar el c
odigo existente reformul
andolo en forma de clases y m
etodos para
vincularlo a la plantilla de interfaz gr
afica de usuario mediante PyQt. Se explicaron los
requisitos de an
alisis, el dise
no y la implementaci
on de la interfaz gr
afica del usuario.
La prueba de la interfaz gr
afica se realiz
o en dos experimentos utilizando la t
PBI, analizando sus diferencias y similitudes, lo que demuestra que la interfaz gr
de usuario, su herramienta, y el algoritmo para la reconstrucci
on fueron probados con
Palabras clave:
Interfaz gr
afica de usuario, l
ınea de luz, procesamiento de im
agenes, python,
1 Introduction
Micro computed tomography (micro-CT)
is a non-destructive technique tool which
obtains tri-dimensional images of the sum of
bi-dimensional images or slices from a sample
(Boerckel et al., 2014). The principle of micro-CT
is based on the attenuation of x-rays passing
through the object or sample being imaged. As an
x-ray passes through the tissue, the intensity of the
incident X-ray beam is diminished according to the
equation, I
= I
, where I
is the intensity of
the incident beam, x is the distance from the source,
is the intensity of the beam at distance x from the
source, and µ is the linear attenuation coefficient
(Stauber & M
uller, 2008).
Conventionally computed tomography (CT) uses
the absorption contrast which does not permit
some details to be seen in some type of samples
due to weak absorption, but phase shifts in the
X-ray beam can be applied for obtaining the
best image (Bronnikov, 2006a). A significant
improvement over conventional attenuation-based
X-ray imaging, which lacks contrast in small
objects and soft biological tissues, is obtained
by introducing phase-contrast imaging (Zhou
& Brahme, 2008). The inline phase-contrast
X-ray imaging method, sometimes also called
the image-based propagation technique (PBI)
or the in-line holography process, exploits the
Fresnel diffraction and is dubbed the phase-contrast
imaging method in microtomography, which
is made possible by using third generation
synchrotron radiation sources or microfocus X-ray
tubes (Bronnikov, 2006a) (Zhou & Brahme, 2008).
Absorption-contrast X-ray imaging serves to
visualize the variation in its attenuation within the
volume of a given sample, whereas phase contrast
allows one to visualize variations in the X-ray
refractive index (Gureyev et al., 2009).
In the principle of in-line phase-contrast imaging,
the projected images of the computer phantom of
the spheres are shown for different positions of the
detector along the z-axis. If the phase contrast
occurs in the Fresnel diffraction region, it means
that it is necessary to place the detector at a certain
distance from the source (Bronnikov, 2006a).
The image is edge-enhanced, and for soft tissues, it
is possible to retrieve the phase projection from a
single in-line image. The phase contrast technique
is used for reconstructing the phase coefficient using
the retrieved phase projections (Cai, 2009). In the
PBI phase of contrast X-ray imaging, the phase
contrast effects are due to thick samples, where the
contrast effect increases linearly with the sample
according to detector distance (Lussani et al., 2015):
High-resolution X-ray produces detailed
three-dimensional images of soft tissue and
bone structure. In the case of soft tissue, the highest
resolutions are achieved with the help of a contrast
agent, which increases the X-ray attenuation of
the tissue of interest. For this technique, the
need for high X-ray doses to obtain the finest
resolution precludes scanning of live specimens
(Phenogenomics, 2019). The multi-contrast
X-ray images of a mouse can be obtained with a
conventional X-ray image based on attenuation, the
differential phase-contrast image based on X-ray
refraction, and dark-field image based on X-ray
scattering (Bech et al., 2013).
The reconstruction process transforms the raw
acquisition data into a stack of 2D cross-sections
through the sample, resulting in a 3D data set. A
number of artifact and noise reduction algorithms
are integrated to reduce ring artifacts, beam
hardening artifacts, COR (center of rotation)
misalignment, detector or stage tilt, pixel
non-linearities, among others (Zhao et al., 2009).
Phase retrieval is a method permitted the
quantitative analysis of images, reconstructing
the image phase from the measured intensity of
projections, in-line phase-contrast X-ray imaging
provides characteristics of images in absorption and
refraction (Chen et al., 2013).
Phase retrieval enables us to obtain quantitative
information about the sample from phase-contrast
images (Mayo et al., 2003a). Microtomography
experiments can be performed in the so-called
Propagation Based Imaging (PBI) modality by
using a sufficiently coherent X-ray beam, such
as the one obtained at e.g. third generation
synchrotron then, both the amplitude and phase
transmitted through the sample can be retrieved
from the radiography a quantitative relationship
exists between the phase shift induced by the object
and the recorded intensity. The inversion of this
relationship is called phase retrieval and in PBI
this can be performed via digital image processing
(Bronnikov, 2006a). Propagation-based imaging
requires that the detector is positioned at a sufficient
distance from the sample; optical elements are
unnecessary between the sample and the detector.
Python is a high-level general purpose
programming language because code is
automatically compiled to byte code and executed.
Python is suitable for use as a scripting language,
web application implementation language, etc.
Python can be extended in C and C++, and can
provide the speed needed for even computer
intensive tasks, because of its strong structuring
constructs (nested code blocks, functions, classes,
modules, and packages) and its consistent use
of objects and object-oriented programming
(Kuhlman, 2009).
Python has a huge number of Graphical User
Interface (GUI) frameworks (or toolkits) available
for it, the major cross-platform technologies upon
which Python frameworks are based include Gtk,
Qt, Tk and wxWidgets, although many other
technologies provide actively maintained Python
bindings (Simon, 2019). PyQt a Python graphic
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tool, brings together the Qt C++ cross-platform
application framework and the cross-platform
interpreted by the Python language. PyQt is a
set of Python v2 and v3 multiplatform bindings
(Riverbank, 2019).
Python is being widely used to create scripts
which cover different necessities in computational
scenarios. For example, the Brazilian Synchrotron
Light Laboratory successfully developed Python
scripts to control beamlines operations, including
a case of GUI creation using Tkinter (Beniz &
Espindola, 2016).
Python, Qt and some Python libraries: PyQt,
PyDM and Py4syn are powerful resources of
these modules and Python straightforward coding
guarantees flexible user interfaces: it is possible
to combine graphical applications with intelligent
control procedures (Fedel et al., 2017).
Py4Syn, an open-source Python-based library for
data acquisition, device manipulation, scan routines
and other helper functions which is driven by
easy-to-use and scalability ideals, offers control
system agnostic solutions and high customization
levels for scans and data output, covering distinct
techniques and facilities for synchrotrons (Slepicka
et al., 2015).
2 Methodology
2.1 Biomedical Beamline for in vivo
and in-vitro experiments
The biomedical beamline, part of the European
Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF), located in
Grenoble (France), is involved both in diagnostic
imaging and therapeutic irradiation for pre-clinical
and potentially clinical applications (ESRF,
2019a). In the scan process the object is moved
vertically through the beam while the detector type
Charge-Couple Device (CCD) camera constantly
acquires projection images (Donzelli et al., 2016).
The wiggler in biomedical beamline is a neat way
to increase the intensity of synchrotron radiation.
It is a periodic arrangement of dipole magnets
generating an alternating static magnetic field which
deflects the electron beam sinusoidally. The filters
are also placed as beam attenuators. They are
located between the source and the sample to avoid
overheating of the optical elements in the optic
hutch (ESRF, 2019b).
2.2 Phanton
The routine preclinical CT calibration phanton
(Price et al., 1990) consists of known
tissue-mimicking material (King et al., 2011)
that are ideally suited for preclinical CT number
calibration or for further multiple energy
research when using a dedicated image-guided
microirradiators (micro-IR) or preclinical in vivo
cone-beam CT devices. This routine phantom
consists of a validation and calibration phantom
as an independent test to determine and assess the
accuracy and precision of dual energy computed
tomography (DE-CT) material decomposition
algorithms (Solutions, 2019a).
2.3 Microtomography Technique
Figure 1 shows the phantom placed on the CT stage
during the acquisition, the distance between the
detector and the stage was 2.5 m.
Figure 1: Phantom placed on the Computed Tomographic
stage during the acquisition.
After preparing and aligning the sample stage, two
wigglers were set: W 150:55 mm and W 125:65
mm, for each selected energy at 30 keV, two filters
(0.8 C + 0.5 Al) were manually introduced to keep
the same incoming flux on the object and to reduce
the heat load on the optical elements.
2.4 Software Development
A Graphic User Interface was developed in Python
Language for beamline in ESRF (Grenoble
France). It was designed for online image
reconstruction during experiments. Autonomous
handling of reconstruction software and the specific
routines were developed for the specific users.
The first step was to structure the present code
into different clases and methods, the second
step involved the PyQt library for construction
http://novasinergia.unach.edu.ec 60
the GUI. The main goal of the GUI is to
provide a user-friendly multi-technique platform
that can be used to handle the data obtained from
Propagation-based imaging (PBI) technique.
The program template was linked to the functions
grouped into classes in the python code, according
to the python code made by scientists of beamline.
The template generates a text file, according to the
instruction manual.
The tab ”Range Parameters” contains the COR
RANGE parameter which refers to the center
of rotation, this parameter allows linking to the
script to reconstruct a single slice of the volume
concerned using different centers of rotation in the
range generated automatically from reconstruction
software. The CT files are saved in the COR
folder (see figure 7). The delta-beta range parameter
allows linking to the script to reconstruct a single
slice of the volume concerned using a different
Paganin number in the range (2480-2550). The CT
files are saved in the PAG folder. The folder is
created automatically (see figure 7).
The GUI allows the following operations: The
”Save Parameters” button writes the expert
parameters and basic parameters used for
reconstruction in a text file. The ”Load Parameters”
button updates the expert and basic parameters
reconstruction from a text file.
For the development of the GUI the Cascade
Model is used, the same one that is used
for the development of the application, the
development steps are seen downwards (one after
the other, in a linear and sequential way); this
model is used in the development of applications
whose approach considers development times of
applications, small or standard systems, cost is
a factor that is not considered, and backsliding
to the previous phases is not accepted. The
phases of the model are: Requirement Analysis,
Design, Development and Implementation, Testing
and Release (Maintenance) (Pressman, 2010).
2.4.1 Tool for reconstruction and Algorithms
PyHST2 is a tool for reconstruction based on
Python language which implements parallel
geometry for phasecontrast and absorption
tomography; the code implements besides a default
filtered back projection reconstruction algorithm
(Bronnikov, 2006b), iterative reconstruction
techniques with a-priori knowledge to improve the
reconstruction quality or reduce the required data
volume and reach a given quality goal.
The acquired images were reconstructed using
the filtered-back projection algorithm after the
application of the single defocused-image Paganin
algorithm (Mirone et al., 2013).
2.4.2 Requirements Analysis
The purpose of the needs analysis is to examine
the feasibility and importance of the functions.
The results of this phase are the specifications that
contain the requirements that must be developed;
thus, the following requirements were determined:
immplement a graphical interface that allows the
entry of parameters for image reconstruction,
upload data to the interface through an external file,
provide an easy-to-use interface,and multitechnical
platform that allows the management of the
instrumentation for the acquisition of images.
2.4.3 GUI Design
The components of this phase use the diagrams
that show the behavior of the system, the
instructions on the architecture of the GUI and the
applied technologies which are also adjusted, such
as: programming languages, use of libraries or
libraries, programming techniques and structures of
control. So, based on the requirements we have
designed some diagrams that describe its operation,
behavior, elements, actors, etc. (see figures 2 to 4).
a) System modeling
Figure 2: Use Case of Graphical User Interface.
b) Coding Structure
The image reconstruction code was structured into
classes and methods for its call from the GUI using
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Figure 3: Class Diagram of Graphical User Interface
Figure 4: Estate Diagram of Graphical User Interface
the PyQt tools for the construction of the GUI (see
table 1.).
2.4.4 Implementation
The figures 5 and 6 show a part of the structure of
programming code for the calibration of the Paganin
Figure 5: Part 1 - Coding for Range of Paganin.
Figure 6: Part 2 - Coding for Range of Paganin
2.4.5 Parameters GUI
The basic parameters are explained according to
figure 4:
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Table 1: Code Structure of Graphical User Interface.
Classes / Methods / Libraries Description
Library: PyQt4 Set of Python bindings for Qt cross-platform.
Class 1: Calculation Calc center of rotation.
Method 1.1: CalcCenterOfRotation Calculate center of rotation.
Method 1.2: DoSino Create sinograms
Method 1.3: normalization Make the normalization of projections
Class 2: Parameters Read text file and store the values into a dictionary
Method: 2.1: addParameters Creation parameters for reconstruction
Method 2.2: DoParFile Create text file containing the info about the scan
Class 3: Utility Reconstruction send to the cluster,
Method 3.1: DoScript The reconstruction is submitted to the cluster.
Class 4: Ui RangeCor Create GUI for calibrate center of rotation
Method 4.1: setupUi Create template for RangeCor
Method 4.2: retranslateUi Calls for the RangeCor class occur.
Class 5: Ui RangePag Create the GUI for calibrate the Paganin legth
Method 5.1: setupUi Create template for RangePag
Method 5.2: retranslateUi Calls for the RangePag class occur.
Class 6: Ui Basic Expert Create the GUI for calibrate the Basic Expert
Method 6.1: setupUi Create template for Basic Expert
Method 6.2: retranslateUi Calls for the Basic Expert class occur.
- Reconstruction starts in line: indicates the starts
in line of reconstruction
- Reconstruction ends in line: indicates the end in
line of reconstruction
- Paganin Length: refers to Paganin dimension
which input previous reconstruction
- Center of rotation: defines rotation center of
- Sampling Reduction (SR), is a practical algorithm
based on Random Sampling Reduction (RSR)
(Buchmann & Ludwig, 2003).
- Ring Correction (yes/no): refers to PyHST ring
- Apply Paganin (yes/no)?: refers to Paganin
The expert parameters are explained according to
figure 5:
- Scan Name radix: corresponds to the radix name
of the file without extension.
- Number of projections: corresponds to the
effective number of projections acquired
- CT Range (180/360): refers to scan at 180 or 360
- y start: region of interest (ROI) start
- y end: region of interest (ROI) end
- Width: pixels image width
- Height: pixels image height
- Pixel Size: refers to effective pixel size
- Binning XY: binning in the reconstruction plane
(Mohammadi et al., 2014).
- Binning Z: binning along the vertical axis
- WF name: name of one white field file
- Number of WF in the file: number of white fields
- Half Acquisition (yes/no)?: refers to half
- Sample Positioning (left/right): left in the case of
half acquisition
- Rotation Axis (H/V): H= horizontal and V=
vertical rotation axes.
3 Results and Discussion
3.1 Software Test
The first operation into the reconstruction process
was to determine the exact centre of rotation for
each dataset. For this purpose, the GUI was
used, and a series of reconstructions performed
automatically using different centres of rotation. As
a second step, the optimal ratio δ\β (Mayo et al.,
2003b) to perform the phase-retrieval was chosen
again using another automatic method present in the
reconstruction software (see figure 3).
Figure 7: Range Parameters. Rotation Center and δ\β of
Figure 8 shows the basic parameters of the previous
reconstruction, which would be fixed after finding
the correct values in the range parameters. The
expert parameters were loaded automatically from
a text file generated after the micro-CT procedure
(see figure 9).
3.2 Scanning of Phantom
Figure 10 illustrates a reconstructed slice at a photon
energy equal to 30 keV where the regions of interest
(ROI) are numbered for each material according to
table 2.
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Figure 8: Basic Parameters of Slice.
Figure 9: Experts Parameters of Slice.
Table 2: Materials of Phantom.
ROI Material
1 Liver
2 Cortical bone (SB3)
3 Cortical bone CB2-50%
4 Bone (B200)
5 Air
6 Air
7 Breast
8 Inner bone
9 Brain
10 Cortical bone CB2-30%
11 Solid Water
12 Adipose
Figure 10: Slice reconstructed. Depiction of CT
calibration phantom µCT scan at 30 Kev.
3.3 Scanning of rat sample/specimen
The PlastiRat is an extremely useful tool for
conducting imaging quality assurance tests as
well as for irradiation planning studies, and for
educational purposes. The benefit of PlastiRat is
that it is biologically inert, being a motionless rigid
object that represents the true anatomy of a living
rat including all the mineralized components of the
bones (see figure 11) (Solutions, 2019b).
Parameters of experiment:
- The distance between the sample stage and
the detector was 11 m.
- Wigglers: W150 - 55 mm, W125 - 45 mm.
- Filter: 2.5 mm Al + 0.8 mm C.
- Energy: 60 KeV.
- FReLoN CCD camera coupled with 1:3.6 optic.
- Effective pixel size 47 µm
Parameters of reconstruction:
Sampling reduction = 1
Width = 2048
COR = 180
CT Range = 360
Number of projections = 4000
Sample Positioning = 1
Rotation Axis = 1
End Range = 181.0
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Figure 11: Rat on the computed tomography stage.
Scan Name = plastified rat 001
Number of WF = 100
y end = 211
Only CT = 1
y start = 1
Paganin Length = 50
Slices Number = 105
Slices NumberP = 105
Number of Points = 2
Reconstruction starts = 1
Reconstruction ends = 211
Half Acquisition = 1
Do Paganin = 1
Number of PointsP = 20
AngleCT = 0.09
BinningXY = 1
Start Range = 179.0
Pixel Size = 2.95
End RangeP = 65.0
WF name = ref0000 0000.edf
Make Sinos = 0
BinningZ = 1
Height = 211
Ring Correction = 1
Start RangeP = 35.0
3D Rendering and Segmentation:
ImageJ was used for 3D rendering and
segmentation. The segmentation assigns a label to
each pixel of the image describing which region or
material it belongs (Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum, 2019).
Figure 12 shows the external tissue, figures 13-14
depict the skeleton view, and figures 15-16 illustrate
some different views of the 3D brain of a rat using
the technique region growing segmentation (Jarek,
Figure 12: Rat tissue.
Figure 13: Rat Skeleton - top view.
3.4 Comparison of results
The reconstruction parameters entered in the GUI
were adequate in both experiments, allowing the 2D
reconstruction to be optimized in both experiments
free of image artifacts. The 3D rendering for the
reconstruction of the plasticized rat, permitted to
verify the accuracy of the parameters entered in
the GUI, for reconstruction of each slice based on
the PyHST2 tool.It was possible to segment the
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Figure 14: Rat Skeleton - bottom view.
Figure 15: Rat brain - top view.
Figure 16: Rat brain - side view
external tissue, the bone structure and an internal
organ (brain) of the plasticized rat. The scan of the
plasticized rat and its subsequent rendering in 3D
was the most complete test of the system, where the
accuracy of the parameters entered into the GUI was
evaluated, the use of PyHST2 as a reconstruction
tool for each slice. A single data set of 700
slices was used for phantom reconstruction; instead,
the plasticized rat, was used 54 data sets with
1400 slices each one for reconstruction. Another
important factor is the Paganin value which is
minor for the rat scan with respect to the phantom
parameter allowing us to obtain a better contrast in
the rat tissue and other small details. The binning
values were 16 for the phantom scan and 1 for
the rat scan, with the greater binning permitting an
improvement in the contrast sensitivity and signal
4 Conclusions
It can be concluded that the methods and techniques
used that allowed the development of this graphic
interface were carried out successfully. The
reconstruction parameters entered in the graphic
interface using the image-based propagation
technique were successfully tested in two
experiments, which was demonstrated in the
2D and 3D reconstructions.
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