loss of sensation along the back of the arm, forearm,
and hand (Bumbasirevic et al., 2016). In general,
paralysis hinders the mobility and extension of the
wrist and fingers. Therefore, this disease is called
“dropped hand” (Pi
na-Garza & James, 2019). After
suffering a radial nerve injury, a person should
always be subjected to arm rehabilitation to recover
the mobility and operability (Niver & Ilyas, 2013).
Figure 1: Radial nerve extension.
(Barton, 1973) and (Parry et al., 1981) highlight
the importance of splinting to ease flexion of
the fingers; there are a number of splinting
solutions for the radial nerve palsy problem. The
biggest challenge is to prevent over-stretching the
denervated muscles and substitute the extensor
muscle, effectively. Static splint stabilizes the wrist
(Pearson, 1984) allowing the transmission of force
to the flexors for power grip. Immobilization of the
wrist only accentuates the inability of the fingers
and thumb to open out of the palm (Colditz, 1987).
In the relevant literature there are several studies
dealing with this problem. In (Willand, 2015),
authors performs some experiments about daily
muscle stimulation paradigm in rats, following
nerve injury. Results show that re-innervation
of muscle and functional behavioral metrics
are enhanced with daily stimulation with the
up-regulation of intramuscular neurotrophic factors
as a potential mechanism. In (Rodrigues et al.,
2016), the evaluation of several subjects on carpal
tunnel syndrome (CT S) is carried out, to whom
fulfill the criteria; a recovery method based on
action potentials is applied. The response to
electrical stimulation is faster than conventional
In Ecuador, there are some investigations about
rehabilitation, many of them for diverse sorts of
injuries and different splint construction methods.
In Universidad Cat
olica Santiago de Guayaquil,
was built a robotic hand controlled by the foot
(Espinoza Mor
an, 2014). In the same way, students
from Chimborazo proposed a prosthesis for the
leg replacement (Romero Erazo, 2016), and
posteriorly, it was presented a prototype by using
a 3D printer (Andrade Holgu
ın, 2016). Most of
the investigations in Ecuador are focused on the
prosthesis construction but not in conjunction with
the rehabilitation process. This work is one of the
first about radial nerve palsy treatment.
In recent years, the rehabilitation process has been
improved, however, there are some non-favorable
issues related to rehabilitation; most centers require
daily attendance and payment of the patient; for an
extended period. On the one hand, some patients do
not have the financial resources and mobilization
that permits a successful rehabilitation process, and
on the other hand, the technology of the public
therapy centers limits the number of patients that
can be treated at the same time (V
elez, 2017).
Conventional methods are currently performed
manually; that is, the physiotherapist performs
manual movements to the patient’s wrist for some
time according to the level of recovery.
This paper presents an autonomous rehabilitation
system based on an electronic splint, capable of
helping people who have suffered wrist and radial
nerve injuries by mean of electric stimulation. The
electronic splint is part of a system, assembled
to collect information during the rehabilitation
process, and storing into a database to be studied
and analyzed by a physiotherapist, in order to
make decisions about the routines that must be
implemented in the splint, in terms of application
time, operating frequency, current level, types of
movements, and other configurable parameters.
The remainder of the paper is organized into four
sections. Section 1 presents the introduction of
the work. Section 2 describes the methodology;
it is divided into two subsections; subsection 2.1
exposes the electronic devices and configurations,
and subsection 2.2 explains the software used in the
rehabilitation system. The evaluation and results are
presented in section 3. Finally, section 4 concludes
the paper.
2 Methodology
The rehabilitation system has been developed in
Matlab, under an academic license. Matlab
processes the data from sensors located in the
electronic splint, trough a serial communication
(RS232 protocol) and implements a database. The
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