Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo
NOVASINERGIA, 2018, Vol. 1, No. 2, junio-noviembre, (70-82)
ISSN: 2631-2654
Research Article
A Fog Assisted Cloud Paradigm for accessibility and collaboration to
Genomic Data Analysis
Fog Asiste Cloud Paradigma para la accesibilidad y colaboraci ´on al An ´alisis de
Datos Gen ´omicos
Paola G. Vinueza Naranjo
*, Navinkumar J Patil
DIET, Sapienza Universit `a di Roma, Roma (RM), Italy, 00184
Dipartimento di Fisica, Universit `a della Calabria, Rende (CS), Italy, 87036; navinkumar.patil@iit.it
* Correspondence: paola.vinueza@uniroma1.it
Recibido 30 octubre 2018; Aceptado 03 diciembre 2018; Publicado 10 diciembre 2018
Increasingly growing Next-generation sequencing requires large-scale computing
resources to handle the huge amount of data produced. The Cloud computing paradigm
readily handles huge data but the core issue with this paradigm is transfer of enormous
data to and from cloud computers due to limited bandwidth which lies in the centralized
nature of a Cloud computing architecture that is located far away from users. An
architecture where computing power is distributed more evenly throughout the network
is the way to combat this problem. The architecture should drive the processing capacity
towards the edge of the network, closer to the source of the data. For this propose
Fog computing offers a promising solution to move computational capabilities closer
to the data generated and will be the solution to gain traction in genomics research.
We propose a novel Collaborative-Fog (Co-Fog) model that adopts the Fog and Cloud
computing paradigms to manage huge genomic data sets and to enable understanding of
how key stakeholders can manage the interaction and collaboration. The present work
describes the Co-Fog model that promises increased performance, energy efficiency,
reduced latency, faster response time, scalability, and better localized accuracy for
future large-scale collaborations in genomics.
Big data, Distributed resource management, Cloud computing, Fog computing,
Next-generation sequencing (NGS)
La secuenciaci ´on de la pr ´oxima generaci ´on es cada vez m
as creciente y requiere
recursos inform ´aticos a gran escala para manejar la enorme cantidad de datos
producidos. El paradigma Cloud computing f ´acilmente maneja datos enormes, pero
el problema central con este paradigma es la transferencia de datos enormes hacia y
desde las computadoras en cloud debido al ancho de banda limitado que radica en
la naturaleza centralizada de la arquitectura Cloud computing la cual est ´a localizada
lejos de los usuarios. Una arquitectura donde la potencia de computaci ´on se distribuya
de manera m ´as uniforme en toda la red es una forma de combatir este problema. La
arquitectura debe llevar la capacidad de procesamiento hacia el borde de la red, m ´as
cerca de la fuente de los datos. Para esta propuesta, Fog computing ofrece una soluci ´on
prometedora para acercar las capacidades computacionales a los datos generados y
ser ´a la soluci ´on para ganar fuerza en la investigaci ´on gen ´omica. Proponemos un nuevo
modelo llamado Collaborative-Fog (Co-Fog) que adopta los paradigmas Fog y Cloud
computing para administrar grandes conjuntos de datos gen ´omicos y para permitir
la comprensi ´on de c ´omo las partes interesadas pueden gestionar la interacci ´on y la
colaboraci ´on. El presente trabajo describe el modelo Co-Fog que promete un mayor
rendimiento, eficiencia energ ´etica, menor latencia, tiempo de respuesta m ´as r ´apido,
escalabilidad y una mejor precisi ´on localizada para futuras colaboraciones a gran
escala en la gen ´omica.
Palabras clave:
Macrodatos, Administraci ´on de recursos distribuidos, Cloud paradigma, Fog
paradigma, Secuenciaciones de nueva generaci ´on (NGS)
1 Introduction
Genomic medicine is an emerging medical
discipline that uses the human genomic data
of an individual as a part of their clinical care.
Besides healthcare, genomic data is used in various
domains, including research on genomic-wide
association studies, ancestry determination, legal
cases (e.g., paternity cases), and forensic and
criminal investigations. The potential of genomics
could revolutionize clinical care by providing
targeted diagnostics and treatment for patients
based on their genetic makeup, identify the genetic
predisposition for an individual to serious disease
and determine if the potential offspring may
develop rare genetic disease based on genomic data
of parents, etc. Thus the analysis of genomic data
and development and implementation of genomic
medicine based on genomic data analysis has
tremendous economic potentials, which indeed
explains the success of many enterprises such
as 23andMe, Color Genomics and some recent
services from Google Genomics, IBM Watson,
Microsoft Genomics, Amazon AWS Genomics and
Apple Research Kit.
Thus the recent advances in genomic research are
leading to a new era in medicine. In the next few
years, the use of genomic data in healthcare will
rapidly increase. In the future, decisions regarding
the prevention and treatment of diseases will
be increasingly based on an individual’s genetic
makeup. This major change in medicine requires
careful preparation. Even though the promise
of personalized diagnoses and treatment based
on genomic data analysis and genomic medicine
seems just around the corner, the study of genomics
is becoming a field that is dominated by the growth
of data.
Below, we identify the useful collections of
publicly available next-generation sequencing
(NGS) datasets and how new advances in NGS
technologies are greatly expanding the current
volume and the range of existing data. The
Sequence Read Archive (SRA) is an international
public archival resource for NGS data established
under the guidance of the International Nucleotide
Sequence Database Collaboration (INSDC).
Instances of the SRA are operated by the National
Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI),
the European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI)
and the DNA Data Bank of Japan (DDBJ). The
mission of INSDC is to preserve public-domain
sequencing data and to provide free, unrestricted
and permanent access to the data. By the
Figure 1: An overview of the publicly available data at the
Sequence Read Archive (SRA) based on user-submitted
metadata. The SRAs growth rate is greatly increasing
over time. Half of the SRA submissions have been
generated by genomic library strategies, mostly whole
genome sequencing. The second half is composed of
library strategies from transcriptome, epigenomic, and
other applications. Figure adapted from (NCBI, 2018).
start of 2012, approximately 75 000 genomic,
15 000 transcriptome and 15 000 epigenomic
submissions had been contributed to the SRA
(figure 1). However, that volume of data represents
only the tip of the iceberg as the number of
genomic submissions has been steadily increasing,
particularly in recent years.
Huge amounts of genomic data requires high
performance computing and data storage
infrastructure that is often beyond the capabilities
of single institution. For this reason, Cloud
computing is becoming the preferred solution for
medical research centers and healthcare providers
to efficiently deal with the increasing amount of
genomic data in flexible and cost-effective way.
Cloud computing facilitates the storage and
management of large amount of data, acts as a final
destination for heavy-weight processing, long-term
storage and analysis. Cloud computing eliminates
the expenses of computerization and framework
support and is flexible and cost-effective approach
to genomic data management. Cloud computing
service providers offer services that provide
the infrastructure, software, and programming
platforms to clients, and are accountable for the
cost for development and maintenance. Challenges
of using Cloud computing for genomic data include
lengthy data transfers for uploading data to the
cloud server, the perceived lack of information
safety in Cloud computing, and the requirement for
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developers with advanced programming skills.
Also, since the number of devices connecting to
the cloud is growing, there is undue pressure on the
cloud infrastructure. Due to the loosely controlled
and non-homogeneous nature of the internet there
are several other issues related to Cloud computing
that are still unresolved. One such issue is network
delay or lag between client request and cloud
response for real time applications. This can be
explained by fact that data centers are often located
far away from major cities and population areas.
This physical distance between data centers and
end users has an impact on latency which could
affect the users. This delay can be a major issue
for applications which rely heavily on storage,
streaming data and offline processing.
Fog computing is a natural extension of Cloud
computing and is foreseen as a remedy to eliminate
such issues. Cloud and Fog computing share
overlapping features, but Fog computing has
additional attributes such as location awareness,
enhanced mobility features, edge deployment,
support for real-time processing (Botta et al.,
2016). In contrast with centralized clouds,
fog nodes are geographically distributed and
deployed in large numbers near wireless access
points in areas which sustain the heaviest usage,
thus having a close proximity to end-users and
offers a mobile, low latency, latency-sensitive
analytics for mission critical requirements and
real-time interaction. Rather than a substitute,
Fog computing often serves as a complement to
Cloud computing (Baccarelli et al., 2018). The
concepts of cloud and Fog computing can be
integrated into a single platform to achieve the
best of both worlds: reduced latency, geographic
awareness, improved data streaming, and access
to commodity resource pools (Madsen et al.,
2013). In table 1, we made a general overview
of the existing frameworks for the Big Data
(BD), Data Centers (DC) and Internet of Things
(IoT) environments and highlight their advantages
and disadvantages. Cloud computing powerful
technology to perform massive-scale/complex
computing and Fog computing offers a promising
solution to move computational capabilities closer
to the data generated are the solution that is gaining
traction in genomics research. Fog computing
technology can provide a way for research to
enhance their capability to store and share data,
save time and reduce costs of data sharing.
This paper presents an idea of fog assisted cloud
paradigm for genomic data analysis. In the next
sections we introduce cloud and fog paradigms,
motivation and application of fog assisted cloud
paradigm to genomic data analysis and the
Collaborative-Fog (Co-Fog) paradigm. We finally
conclude with conclusions and future research
2 Cloud and Fog Computing
Figure 2: Elasticity of Fog computing is its ability to
expand or contract its dedicated resources to meet the
current demand. Elasticity is one of the feature of Fog
associated with scale-out solutions (horizontal scaling),
which allows for resources to be dynamically added
or removed when needed. In virtualized environments
Fog elasticity could include the ability to dynamically
deploy new virtual machines or shutdown inactive virtual
machines. The workload vs. time plot shows the elasticity
of Fog computing model, where it has ability to add and
remove resources “on the fly” to handle the load variation.
Cloud and Fog computing are two standing-alone
technological paradigms under the real of the Future
Internet. The National Institute for Standards and
Technology (NIST) (NIST, 2018a) formally defines
the Cloud computing paradigm as a model for
enabling convenient, on-demand network access to
a shared pool of configurable computing resources
(e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications,
and services) that can be rapidly provisioned
and released with minimal management effort or
service provider interaction. Cloud computing
provides the tools and technologies to build
data/compute intensive parallel applications
with much more affordable prices compared
to traditional parallel computing techniques.
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Table 1: Overview of BD/DC/IoT and their advantages and disadvantages in Fog Computing supports
Fog Computing Support (BD + DC + IoT)
Pros Cons
(Bonomi, 2011;
Bonomi et al.,
2012, 2014)
(Kai et al., 2016)
(Saharan & Kumar,
BD in Fog is distinguished by volume, velocity,
variety and geo-distribution
Applications data are passed in several layers
Eliminate delays in data transfer
Allows to keep data close to users instead of storing
them in far DCs
Reduces the time-scale in real-time
Defines policies to specific security,
isolation and privacy during multi-tenancy
(Bonomi, 2011;
Bonomi et al.,
2012, 2014)
(Saharan & Kumar,
– Degree of consistency between collection points
Policies to defined network, storage,
compute with a service such as
minimum delay rate etc.
(Bonomi, 2011;
Bonomi et al.,
2012, 2014)
(Firdhous et al.,
(Byers &
Wetterwald, 2015)
(Saharan & Kumar,
(Luan et al., 2015)
(Kai et al., 2016)
Permits ordinary physical or daily life object
Fast mobile apps
Improves the QoS through local fast-rate connections
Distributed intelligence
X Scalability
X Network resource preservation
X Close loop control
X Resilience
X Clustering
Not clear definitions of policies to specify
thresholds for load balancing such as
minimum number of users, connections,
CPU load etc, and policies to specify QoS
(Luan et al., 2015)
7 7 7
Cloud computing offers higher-level services,
unlike local server or a personal computer that
can be rapidly provisioned and released with
minimal management effort and relies on the
self-establishment and self-management in order
to guarantee scalability to large scale (Mell &
Grance, 2011; Armbrust et al., 2010; Fox et al.,
2009; Buyya et al., 2009). Cloud providers deliver
to the users mainly three types of service models:
i) Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): IaaS providers
offer to the users a pool of computing storage and
network resources; ii) Platform as a Service (PaaS):
PaaS providers enable users to access a platform to
develop and deploy software, and; iii) Software as a
Service (SaaS): SaaS users access software running
on servers. Cloud computing facilitates the storage
and management of large amount of data and can
serve as a possible instrument of surveillance. The
clouds act as the final destination for heavy-weight
processing, long-term storage and analysis.
NIST in March, 2018 released a definition of
the Fog computing by adopting much of Cisco’s
commercial terminology as published in NIST
special publication 500-325 (NIST, 2018b).
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Fog computing conceptual model defines Fog
computing as a horizontal, physical or virtual
resource paradigm that resides between end devices
and Cloud computing data centers. This paradigm
supports vertically-isolated, latency-sensitive
applications by providing ubiquitous, scalable,
layered, and federated distribution of the
communication, computation, and storage
resources. Precisely, fog nodes (physical (e.g.
gateways, switches, routers, servers, etc.) or
virtual components (e.g. virtualized switches,
virtual machines, cloudlets, etc.)) are small-size
virtualized inter-connected resource-equipped data
centers, which are hosted by wireless access points
at the edge of the network, in order to build up a
two-tier FOG-CLOUD hierarchical architecture.
Fog computing natively supports inter-Fog resource
pooling. Furthermore, Fog computing handles data
at the network level, on smart devices and on the
end-user client side, instead of sending data to
a remote location for processing (Bonomi et al.,
2012; Horne, 2018). In Fog computing, cloud
elastic resources are extended to the edge of the
network, such as portable devices, smart objects,
wireless sensors and other IoT devices to decrease
latency and network congestion (Tang et al., 2017).
In virtualized environments, Fog elasticity (see
figure 2) could include the ability to dynamically
deploy new virtual machines or shutdown inactive
virtual machines.
Next-generation sequencing is growing
in number, and these data requires using
large-scale computational resources. Cloud
computing’s powerful technology to perform
massive-scale/complex computing coupled with
the Fog computing’s promising solution to move
computational capabilities closer to the source of
data generation thereby enhancing the capability to
store and share data, save time and reduce costs of
data sharing could provide an exceptional solution
in the field of genomics research.
3 Motivation and Application to
Cloud and Fog computing are considered by
investigators to manage and share the vast amounts
of genomic data generated following NGS. It was
recognized that data storage/management is a
growing problem which will require Cloud and Fog
technology (Charlebois et al., 2016).
For science users, Fog computing is having two
main advantages: reproducibility and local/global
access. Fog computing exhibits the right
features for coping with the aforementioned
technological issues. The Fog computing
architecture consisting of three components,
namely: IoT nodes, fog nodes and back-end
cloud, where fog nodes are small-size virtualized
inter-connected resource-equipped data centers, that
process tasks without third-party interference and
collaboratively provide computational flexibility,
better communication, storage capacity, and much
more additional new smart services in a hierarchical
environment for rising number of end users in
its close proximity. In addition, Fog computing
natively supports three main services: 1) user
virtualization; 2) User-to-Fog task offloading, and;
3) inter-Fog resource pooling. These services
could be efficiently exploited, to implement the
Co-Fog collaboration network as an overlay
network of user clones, that entirely relies on the
bandwidth/computing resources of the supporting
fog nodes. The Cloud computing addressed many
problems posed by data archives. But the Fog
elasticity allows users to scale computing resources
in proportion to the amount of data being analyzed,
sidestepping constraints imposed by fog nodes.
Input data can be downloaded directly to the fog
nodes that will process it, where the field has
produced an array of uniformly processed and
summarized data-sets.
So doing, the native resources of the physical things
could be employed only for the synchronization
with the corresponding Fog-hosted clones, allowing
to the users, perhaps on opposite ends of the globe,
to create near-identical hardware and software
setups (see figure 3), where the reproducibility
advantages are possible on non-cloud computers
using Virtual Machine (VM)-based technology
and the (emerging) container based technology,
which are tools that package software with all
the necessary components to enable reproducible
deployment in different computing environments.
This is indeed, the main idea behind the proposed
Co-Fog paradigm. Also, Fog providers maintain
data centers in such a way that achieves economies
of scale and Fog users need not be concerned
with outages, software patches, service contracts
or damaged parts. Passing to describe figure
3 that sketches the reference architecture of the
Big Data (BD) technological platform. It is
composed of five blocks, which are: 1) the
IoT (data generation) layer; 2) the radio access
network; 3) the proximate Fog layer; 4) the
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Figure 3: Reference architecture for the Big Data
Internet backbone, and; 5) the remote Cloud layer.
So, according to the reported architecture, BD
streams are: i) gathered by a number of spatially
heterogeneous devices (users) scattered over the
environment of interest; ii) forwarded to proximate
fog nodes over (single-hop) WiFi connections for
local pre-processing (like, data compressing, fusion
and filtering), and; iii) routed to cloud-based remote
data centers over (multi-hop) internet WANs for
further post-processing.
The goal is to allow users to share information
in real-time by leveraging Fog-assisted social
network platforms (like Globus Genomic, Dropbox,
iCloud). These applications require massive sets of
inter-stream cross-correlation analytics, to quickly
detect the occurrence of new social trends and/or
Fog services is comprised by three deployment
models (public, private or hybrid) that vary
depending on the extent to which they are freely
accessible (Dove et al., 2015; Forer et al., 2012;
Ruiter & Warnier, 2011; Shanker, 2012). The
decisions over the type of services and deployment
models influence the form Fog computing adoption
and reflect how varying ethical, legal and social
challenges are managed.
3.1 An Introductory Example
The definition of cloud and fog computing applied
to the field of genomics research is ”a scalable
service where genetic sequence information
is stored and processed virtually, usually via
networked, large-scale data centers accessible
remotely through various users and platforms over
the internet” (Dove et al., 2015).
The following illustrative example (see figure
4) aims at giving some first insight into the
Fog-over-Users interplay and the roles played
by the Computer-to-Computer (C2C) interaction
model, in order to establish collaboration, links,
and ties.
In the figure 4 we show the main building
blocks and involved users, where the fog fosters
reproducibility by enabling investigators (users)
to publish data-sets (resp., User A (Data A) and
User B (Data B)) in figure 4) to the fog/cloud,
including different versions thereof, without loss or
modification of the previous data-sets. Moreover,
the users can be situated near or far geographically
(resp., User A (Data A), User B (Data B), User C
(Data C), and User D (Data D) in figure 4) and can
clone data-sets within the fog applied customized
software to perform their own analyses and derive
new results. Independent investigators can copy
original/primary data-sets, softwares and published
results within the fog/cloud to replicate published
analyses, can be on opposite ends of the globe, to
create near-identical hardware and software setups.
The Horizontal traffic Offloading (HO) capability
offered by the nodes allows the implementation
of the inter-clone Co-Fog network by sustaining
the required C2C interactions (see the blue
paths of figure 4), while the corresponding
Vertical traffic Offloading (VO) capability makes
feasible User-to-Clone and Clone-to-Cloud
synchronization (see the red paths of figure 4). The
fog nodes fully support data mining, Clone-to-User
communication, and inter-clone communication
(see the green paths of figure 4). So, it is expected
that the native resources of the physical things are
saved. The Fog is also accessible globally, so that,
the investigator anywhere of the world can rent
resources from a provider, regardless of whether
the investigator is near a data center. Data can
be secured and controlled by the collaborators
without having to navigate by several institutions’
firewalls. The team members of fog can use
the same commands to run the same analysis on
the same (virtualized) hardware and software.
This makes the Co-Fog an attractive venue for
small/large genomics interaction/collaborations
and also an important tool in the effort to promote
robust sharing of genomics data (NIH, 2014; cli,
2017) (see figures 3 and 4).
Moving on to give the complexity of genomics
studies and the need to enroll patients in
geographically dispersed study sites, collaboration
on large-scale genomics sequencing projects at
multiples sites is fairly common. Before the
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data generation
Fog Node
Fog Node
Single- Hop Wireless Access Nertwork
Fog Node
Fog Node
Cloud Node
HO /
Fog-over-Users Collaboration
C2C link
User A
User B
Figure 4: An illustrative example of the Fog-over-Users, Fc=Fog clone; VO= Vertical Offloading; HO= Horizontal
Offloading; C2C=Computer-to-Computer.
computational analyses begin, all relevant data is
collected at whichever site that has the requisite
computing capacity and experience required. If
more than one site is to analyse the complete
data-set, the data must be copied. The larger and
the more decentralized the project, the more copies
must be made. The collaborators at the various sites
can use computers located near the data. Overall,
the fog elasticity allows investigators to scale
computing resources in proportion to the amount of
data being analysed, avoiding restrictions imposed
by local clusters. Input data can be downloaded
directly to the fog nodes that will process it, without
first going through a particular investigator s
In some cases, the data may already be preloaded
into a fog (e.g., the International Cancer Genome
Consortium (ICGC) (ICGC, 2018) data are
available from the Cancer Genome Collaboratory).
If data are protected (e.g., dbGaP), it is possible
that existing protocols will make it is possible
to create a compliant fog-based computational
setup (Nellore et al., 2016; Langmead & Nellore,
2018). The commands used to rent the cluster
and run the software can be published or shared
so that collaborators can do the same, avoiding
inter-cluster compatibility issues. In the future, a
series of studies can apply Co-Fog architecture to
study large collections of publicly archived data.
4 The Proposed Co-Fog Paradigm
The introduction of the model for distributed
collaboration ties in the data realm modifies the way
in which users and things utilize the C2C interaction
model in order to establish collaboration links ties.
By design, under the C2C model, the users’ limits to
set general rules, in order to define the community
of collaborating smart devices. The services to be
provided by the computers community and smart
devices are both the producers and consumers of
data and information.
4.1 Fog Interfaces with Cloud, other
Fog Nodes, and Users
As aforementioned, Fog computing expands the
Cloud computing functionality with more elasticity
to the edge level of the core network to share same
processing strategies and features (virtualization)
and makes extendable nontrivial computation
The Fog computing architecture allows processing,
networking, and storage services to dynamically
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data generation
Fog Node
Fog Node
Internet Core
Cl2Cl link
U2F/F2U two-way link
F2F link
Virtual Transport
Co-Fog platform
Inter-fog physical
Wireless Backbone
Remote Cloud
Figure 5: Envisioned architecture for the Co-Fog technological platform of the distributed collaboration, Fc-A1, Fc-A2 and
Fc-A3 (resp., Fc-B1 and Fc-B2) clones; CNT=Container; F2U= Fog-to-User; U2F= User-to-Fog; F2F= Fog-to-Fog.
transfer the data at the fog node, cloud, and
users continuum. However, the interfaces for the
fog to interact with the cloud, other fogs, and
users, must facilitate the flexibility and dynamic
relocation of the computing, storage, and control
functions among these different entities. This will
enable well-situated end-user assessment for Fog
computing services and will also allow capable and
effectual Quality of Service management (Anawar
et al., 2018).
Roughly speaking, the proposed integrated Co-Fog
architecture is based on the following main
building blocks (see figure 5): Fog-to-Cloud:
Interfacing fog-to-cloud can be considered
compulsory to support fog-to-cloud and vice-versa
collaboration which provides back-to-back
services. Fog-to-cloud interface also supports
functionalities, such as: i) functions at fog to be
supervised/managed with the Cloud computing
ability; ii) cloud and fog which transfer data to
each other for processing and comparing; iii)
cloud which can decide to distribute/schedule fog
nodes for allocation of the services on demand; iv)
cloud and fog mutually can differentiate for better
management computing services with each other,
and; v) cloud which can make the availability of
its services through fog-to-users. It is essential to
find out which information and services should be
transversely passed at fog and cloud. Regularity
and granularity of such data and information should
decide how fog or cloud can respond to that data.
In the figure 5, we observe Fog-to-Cloud
(multi-hop) Internet connections, allowing fog
clones to import/export data from/to the remote
network. Fog-to-Fog: Fog nodes have pool
resources functionality to support processing with
each other. For example, all deployed fog nodes
share their data storage, computing, and processing
capability tasks with prioritized node functionality
system for one or several users. Multiple fog nodes
might also act together with service for backups of
each other.
In the figure 5, we can see the inter-Fog backbone
that provides inter-Fog connectivity and makes
feasible inter-Fog resource pooling. Inter-Fog
allows the hosted clones to exchange data by
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establishing C2C collaboration over an inter-clone
overlay network relying on TCP/IP end-to-end
transport connections and a set of inter-connected
fog nodes (e.g., Fog Node A and Fog Node B), that
act as virtualized cluster headers. These virtualized
cluster headers host the clones (e.g., Fc A and Fc B)
of the involved physical devices (e.g., Users (A1,
A2 and A3) and Users (B1 and B2)).
The clones exploit the Fog support, in order to
augment the computing-communication capabilities
of the associated devices (e.g., Users (A1, A2 and
A3) and Users (B1 and B2)). A commodity
wired Giga-Ethernet switch provides intra-Fog
Fog-to-User: Fog-to-User interface essentially
needs to allow the users to access fog services
in user friendly environment, provide resources
efficiently with secure ways.
Figure 5 explains the interfaces of fog with cloud
and users both, through hierarchically distributed
Fog computing structure iteratively continuum.
In figure 5 we can see an emerging era of technology
world from traditional Cloud computing towards
nearly deployed Fog computing. It is also
visualized which type of interface should be
included in different type of era (e.g., fog-to-cloud,
fog-to-fog, and fog-to-users). Also, it is pointed out
that why we have a single and combined platform
(Fog Computing) of these essential technologies.
According to figure 5, a fog node covers a spatial
area Da (m) and serves a cluster of users. The
fog node can comprise of number of homogeneous
quad-core Dell Power Edge-type physical servers,
which are equipped with 3.06 GHz Intel Xeon CPU
and 8 GB of RAM as an example. Each server
may host the maximum number of Docker-type
containers (Bernstein, 2014), the size of a container
is usually within tens of MB (Zhang et al., 2018).
Each container clones a thing (e.g., a user) and,
according to figure 6, it is equipped with a virtual
processor with a number of homogeneous virtual
cores. Each thing (user) is associated to a software
clone (e.g., a virtual avatar), that is hosted by the
serving fog node.
In the figure 5, the wireless access network,
that supports F2U/U2F communication through
TCP/IP connections running atop IEEE802.11/15
single-hop links.
A Virtualization layer: This layer allows each thing
(user) to augment its limited resources by exploiting
the computing capability of a corresponding virtual
clone. The virtual clone runs atop a physical server
of the fog node that currently serves the cloned
User-to-Clone: User-to-Clone connections
allow the physical devices to synchronize the
corresponding clones by exploiting the support of
single-hop wireless access links.
The service models supported by the Co-Fog
platform with the following two main remarks.
First, since the fog nodes of figure 5 may play the
two-fold role of offloading and aggregating points
for the traffic generated by the underlying users,
the Co-Fog paradigm is capable to support, by
design, all the Up/Down Offloading, Aggregation
and Peer-to-Peer (P2P) service models. Second, we
stress that a main peculiar feature of the proposed
Co-Fog paradigm is that the overlay network of
figure 5 allows to move the implementation of the
inter-user links from the device-based physical
bottom layer to the clone-based virtual upper layer
of figure 5.
The clone synchronizes the corresponding thing and
works on behalf of it, in order to reduce thing energy
consumption and provide bandwidth/computing
thing-augmentation. U2F and F2U communications
are guaranteed by transport (TCP/UDP-IP)
connections that run atop IEEE802.11/15 up/down
single-hop links (see the red rays of figure
5). A (possibly, wireless) broadband backbone
interconnects all the fog nodes (see the blue
rays of figure 5). Its role is to allow inter-clone
communication among different fog nodes. Thing
clones are logically inter-connected by end-to-end
transport (TCP/IP) connections, to build up an
overlay virtual network of inter-clones. For this
purpose, intra-Fog wired Ethernet links (resp.,
inter-Fog backbone-supported wireless links) are
used to instantiate transport-layer connections
among clones hosted by a same fog node (resp.,
by different fog nodes). The corresponding clones
establish a (bidirectional) collaboration. Afterward,
the clones exchange the data provided by their
associated data generation and, then, perform the
required (cumbersome) mining of all available data.
For this purpose, the computing capability of the
hosting fog nodes is exploited. Finally, each clone
returns the mined data to its owner (user) by using
the communication capability of the host fog node.
In data generation layer each site has some
computational resources and generate data.
Analysis that require the full data sets are to be
performed at multiple sites, requiring each of these
sites to gather all portions of the data. As more fog
nodes join to analysis, more copies must be made.
Multiples fog nodes can organize themselves into
a federated fog, where each analysis of the data
set is automatically coordinated to minimize data
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transfer. The computers located where the data is
generated are used to analyse that subset. Fog nodes
can also consolidate their data in a cloud-based data
center where the analyses are performed.
4.2 Co-Fog in Genomics
Co-Fog will be a natural fit for sharing across
borders; data may be housed in the originating
jurisdiction, where control is maintained,
while authorized access is available outside
the jurisdiction through a common interface.
Many collaborations already use the cloud to
consolidate project data. ENCODE (ENCODE,
2018) uses the DNAnexus (DNAnexus, 2018)
platform for cloud-based analysis and data sharing,
and DNAnexus in turn uses the infrastructure
of AWS (Genomics, 2018) modENCODE
(modENCODE, 2018) and ICGC (ICGC, 2018)
where both host their data sets in the cloud through
With Co-Fog the collaboration can also be
implemented to the above given example which
solely using cloud. By using Co-Fog platform
which encourages another dimension of strength
borrowing, it will be easier to leverage public data.
The investigators can use public data to boost the
power available to analyse a locally generated data
set, a paradigm that can prevails in microarray
data analysis. We expect Co-Fog can be used for
running large-scale analysis across multiple fogs,
even to the point that new sequencing data analyses
can be performed in the Fog and with the benefit
of being able to see across many studies with
important variables in common.
As an example, RNASeq-er enables investigators
who have submitted unpublished sequencing data to
the ArrayExpress archive to automatically analyse
that data, free of charge, using computational
resources at the EMBL-EBI in the context of
other public data in the archive. When the study
is published and the data become public, the
summarized results can be joined with those of
the other published, archived studies. Thus, the
investigator benefits before publication and the
community benefit after (Langmead & Nellore,
4.3 The Container-based
Virtualization Technology
Virtualization is employed in Fog-based data
centers, in order to (Baccarelli et al., 2017):
dynamically multiplex the available physical
computing, storage and networking resources
over the spectrum of the served devices;
provide homogeneous user interface atop
(possibly) heterogeneous served devices; and,
isolate the applications running atop the
same physical servers, in order to provide
Figure 6: Container-based virtualization of a physical
server equipping a Fog node (Virtualized server
architecture); VP=Virtual Processor.
Roughly speaking, in virtualized data centers,
each served physical device is mapped into a
virtual clone that acts as a virtual processor and
executes the programs on behalf of the cloned
device (Portnoy, 2012). In principle, two main
virtualization technologies could be used to attain
device virtualization, namely, the (more traditional)
Virtual Machine (VM)-based technology and the
Container based technology (Bernstein, 2014;
Soltesz et al., 2007).
According to figure 6, a virtualized physical server
running at a fog node is composed of: i) containers
where each container plays the role of virtual clone
for the associated physical thing. Hence, the
container acts as a virtual processor and executes
the tasks offloaded by the thing on behalf of it.
For this purpose, it is equipped with a Virtual
Processor (VP), that runs at a (scalable) processing
frequency f (bit/s) and it is controlled by a Task
Manager. The VP executes the programs stored
by the corresponding Application Library (see
figure 6), all the application libraries stored by the
instantiated containers must be compliant with the
Host Operating System (HOS) equipping the host
physical server; ii) the pool of computing (e.g., CPU
cycles) and networking (e.g., I/O bandwidth) and
physical resources made available by the CPU and
Network Interface Card (NIC) that equip the host
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Container Engine dynamically multiplexes the
resources of the fog server over the set of hosted
containers, and; iii) a HOS which is shared by all
hosted containers.(see figure 6)(Baccarelli et al.,
Due to the expected large number of devices (users)
to be virtualized, resorting to the container-based
virtualization would allow to increase the number of
virtual clones per physical server (e.g., the so-called
virtualization density) (Xu et al., 2014).
5 Conclusion and Future Work
Cloud computing is changing how large
computational resources are organized and
acquired. It is also changing how scientists and
researchers in genomics collaborate and deal with
vast archived data sets. However, Fog computing
provides certain advantages over Cloud computing
like faster data processing with reduced latency,
location-based customization, etc. However, Fog
computing is not a replacement for cloud computing
as cloud computing will still be desirable for high
end data storage, analysis and processing jobs in
scientific fields like genomics.
We adopt Fog computing as a necessary tool for
advance genomic research to collaborate and deal
with vast sets of archived data, so that the genomic
investigators would be able to do immediate
As more archived data will be housed in the fog,
where the Fog computers which are physically
proximate to the generated data can access it
rapidly and will allow new modes of analysis,
interaction and collaboration.
Co-Fog is the ways to address the crucial issues that
arise as the scientists increasingly use large-scale
genomics data to improve our understanding of
biology and disease. Also, considering the genomic
data to be user sensitive, there will be a need for
genomics investigators to understand the fog and
also remain responsible for their data stored in the
The proposed (Co-Fog) model has advantages of
higher speed, greater accessibility and collaboration
over Cloud computing which makes it a preferred
model for genomic data analysis, however,
Co-Fog can be applied in several other research
field involving Big data storage and analysis.
Since, Co-Fog relies on the distributed networked
computing architecture, its innovative solutions
are expected to successfully tackle the issues in
distributed security, in order to allow the migration
of the Co-Fog paradigm from the theory to the
Interest Conflict
The authors declare that there is no conflict of
interests regarding the publication of this paper.
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