Review Process
All articles submitted to the journal will be subject to a rigorous review process by specialists in the subject area to which they correspond. The arbitration process must contemplate peer review with the double blind pair modality. Thus, the anonymity and confidentiality of both authors and evaluators is kept explicitly.
At the time the author submits his manuscript, he must commit to the editing process until the end in case his contribution is accepted for publication. The author's statement will be verified that the manuscript is not under submission for publication in other media and that all authors approved the submission to NOVASINERGIA, will also host the editorial standards declared by the journal.
The editorial process consists of three stages, preliminary verification or pre-arbitration, arbitration, and post-arbitration.
In the preliminary verification (pre-arbitration), the editor checks that the manuscript meets the requirements of the journal (originality, subject area, organization, presentation, quality and scientific rigor), as well as the verification of plagiarism and / or prior publication of the content submitted. The review is carried out through the suitable software, having as a policy that no article that passes to the next phase may present a similarity percentage greater than 5%. The Editor may ask the authors for modifications to the manuscript until it is in a position to be arbitrated, if it finds no possibility of improvement, it will reject them in this instance.
In the arbitration stage the editor will select the blind peer evaluators taking as reference the database of external peers of the journal, considering their predisposition, training, expertise and scientific production. As a result, the arbitrators will issue their opinion for the editor's analysis and in the cases that correspond to the author's recommendations. The evaluation of the peer evaluators will be carried out through the opinion format defined by NOVASINERGIA.
The evaluating peers may issue the following recommendations:
-Accepted for publication
-Accepted for publication after making modifications
-Rejected, it is not recommended to publish the manuscript
If the arbitrator suggest the opinion of "Rejected, it is not recommended to publish the article" and that the other arbitrator determines “Accepted for publication or Accepted for publication after making modifications”, the work will be submitted to review by a third arbitrator, whose opinion will serve as a reference for the final decision.
If modifications are required, the authors must develop them within the established deadline, the process may be cyclical, in which the editor and correspondence author will intervene and if necessary the evaluation peers for a new assessment.
Post-arbitration consists in the preparation of the final version of the manuscript, the issuance of the letters of assignment of rights by the author to NOVASINERGIA, the author's approval of the final version, among other aspects. The publication of the manuscript will be made in the volume and number that the editorial team determines with technical criteria.
The deadlines established for the editorial process are as follows:
* First Instance Review (pre-arbitration): 14 calendar days from when the manuscript is received.
* Second Instance Review (arbitration): 30 calendar days from when the manuscript is delivered to the evaluator.
* Incorporation of Modifications (post-arbitration): 7 calendar days after the corresponding author is notified.