Further consideration on mating systems for the tropics





Beef cattle, composites, crossbreeding, heterosis, Venezuela


Beef cattle production systems on pasture differ in terms of the use of resources, degree of intensification, cultural roles, among others. In relation to the efficiency and productivity of Beef Cattle Production Systems on Pasture, significant progress could be made in terms of adopting improved management procedures. Bibliographic research about Mating Systems in beef cattle production systems and their application in the American Tropics, with emphasis on Venezuela, was performed. It reviews the conditions and management practices required to achieve the expression of genetic potentials, the requirements, advantages, and disadvantages of alternatives to the rotational system to compare them and recommend accordingly. Composites and Modified [F1] mating systems have similarities. However, some differences were highlighted: The use of F1 sires impedes loss of heterosis due to renewed inbreeding, expands heterosis retention, does not interfere with selection for additive traits, and capitalizes genetic progress in the parental breeds. In conclusion, F1 sires able to thrive on adverse conditions, on a crossbreed population of cows in successive generations, might be a feasible way to overcome the limitations of other mating systems, combine adaptability with improved performance in small herds while keeping management simple, capacity for adjustment, and adaptation to new restrictions and opportunities generated by the changing environment.


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Research Articles and Reviews

How to Cite

Further consideration on mating systems for the tropics. (2020). Novasinergia, ISSN 2631-2654, 3(1), 6-16. https://doi.org/10.37135/ns.01.05.01