Yogurt rheology: effects of unit operations on processing and use of additives
Dairy products, food biotechnology, food engineering, food technology, stirred yogurt, yogurt emulsifiers, yogurt rheology, yogurt stabilizers, yogurt viscosityAbstract
This research aims to determine the factors that influence stirred
yogurt's rheological characteristics through a systematic review of scientific articles using the PRISMA method to exclude and include information. We analyzed the variables related to unit operations such as standardization, pasteurization, inoculation, stirred, and storage to achieve our objective. These
variables affect stirred yogurt's viscosity, establishing (temperatures, times, and speeds for each unit operation) based on the information provided in the articles consulted. Also, the additives that affect the yogurt's viscosity were analyzed, taking into account the characteristics of the sample analyzed, the equipment
used, and cutting speeds, determining that all these factors significantly affect
the viscosity of the yogurt. The analysis carried out allows establishing that the
viscosity is influenced by the physicochemical characteristics of the milk and unit operations present in yogurt processing. Emulsifiers and stabilizers affect the final product's viscosity and increase the syneresis during storage time.
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