Model of a Green IT and BPM Strategic Plan to minimize environmental impact in higher education
Green BPM, Green IT, Environmental Sustainability, ISO standard 14000, Strategic PlanAbstract
In this study, a model to develop a Green Information Technology (IT) and Green
Business Process Management (BPM) Strategic Plan, which allows reducing the environmental
impact and contributing to the environmental sustainability of a Higher Education Institution was
conducted, based on the IT Strategic Plan by Gartner, COBIT 5 (Control Objectives for Information
and related Technology) and the government actions of ISO/IEC 38500 standard and ISO 14031
standard. Four Green phases were established: Evaluation of the Current Situation, Direction of the
Business Model, Strategic Planning for acquisition, Implementation and support, and Performance
Monitoring In addition, a quantitative and qualitative guide was designed to determine the level of
sustainability and interoperability obtained. For Sustainability: economic indicator with 35% and
people indicator with 25% were defined, for the Interoperability, engineering and processes
indicators with 15% and infrastructure indicator with 10%. As a consequence of the fact that in
Ecuador there is no legal framework that regulates the actions of Green IT Governance of Higher
Education Institutions and researches on Green BPM are limited, there has not been structured a
productive and environmentally responsible Institutional Strategic Plan and that supports as a basis
for the planning and management of IT operations and resources. Thus, the design of the model
allows the alignment of indicators that support economic savings, a change in the
social/environmental paradigm and responsibility of the technological architecture. Also, with the
flexibility of the model, new environmental performance indicators (Green KPI) can be included as
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