Evaluation of the socio-environmental impact of the Yanarumi rainwater seeding reservoir, Guano canton
ancestral technique, environmental impact, water harvesting, water scarcity , páramo, rainwater harvesting, social impact, SROIAbstract
The objective of this research was to determine the environmental and social impact of the ancestral technique of rainwater harvesting through the analysis of the Yanarumi rainwater collection system, located in the San Carlos páramo, Valparaíso parish, Guano canton, Chimborazo province, Ecuador. The Yanarumi system consists of an uncovered excavation that collects precipitation by natural infiltration and transports it to spring before its use; since 2013, the system has been supplying irrigation water to the sector's population. The cause-effect and the moment matrix methodology were used to evaluate the environmental impact (quantitative and qualitative). In addition, the social return on investment (SROI) methodology was used to evaluate the social impact. The results obtained showed negative impacts in the construction stage of the system but positive in the operation stage; regarding the SROI, it resulted in a positive benefit/cost ratio of 4.26 USD. These findings suggest: (1) these water harvesting systems are environmentally friendly and (2) the convenience of implementing ancestral water use systems in water-deficient areas.
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