Evaluation of oxidic lithological materials as adsorbents for effluent and wastewater treatment
adsorbent substrate, filtration, granular media, lithological material, residual waterAbstract
In the present investigation, a slow filtration system in a granular medium was evaluated. We used adsorbent substrates prepared from oxidic lithological materials from two Andean localities identified as G and V, which were chemically characterized. Monolayer and bilayer filters with tubular beds of 5 and 8 mm in length were prepared as a wastewater treatment system with a turbidity of 76 NTU, BOD 230 mg/L, and COD 445 mg/L. The turbidity, pH, and electrical conductivity were analyzed in 100 mL aliquots of the percolate until the filter bed was saturated. The results show that the studied materials purify the residual water through a filtration and adsorption process. For instance, when using a structured bilayer filter with material G, removal of residual turbidity was obtained in 61 %. Additionally, a BOD reduction of 97.4 % o and COD of 94 % was achieved, in contrast to the 86 % obtained with the conventional three-layer sand filter. The results demonstrate the potential of using these granular media to purify wastewater and effluents as alternative, ecological, and low-cost filter systems.
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