5G networks: A review from the perspectives of architecture, business models, cybersecurity, and research developments





5G networks, architecture, business models, network security, research developments.


5G technology is transforming our critical networks, with long-term implications. Since 5G is transitioning to a purely software-based network, potential improvements will be software updates, like how smartphones are upgraded. For the global enterprise, the 5G arrival would be disruptive. Long-awaited solutions to various flaws in critical networking systems will arise due to 5G network adoption. Furthermore, the shortcomings of technology in contributing to business growth and success would be turned on their heads. The more complicated part of the actual 5G race is retooling how we protect the most critical network of the twenty-first century and the ecosystem of devices and applications that sprout from that network due to cyber software vulnerabilities. The new technologies enabled by new applications running on 5G networks have much potential. However, as we move toward a connected future, equal or more attention should be paid to protecting those links, computers, and applications. We address critical aspects of 5G standardization and architecture in this article. We also provide a detailed summary of 5G network business models, use cases, and cybersecurity. Furthermore, we perform a study of computer simulation methods and testbeds for the research and development of potential 5G network proposals, which are elements that are rarely addressed in current surveys and review articles


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2021-06-01 — Updated on 2021-06-15




Research Articles and Reviews

How to Cite

5G networks: A review from the perspectives of architecture, business models, cybersecurity, and research developments. (2021). Novasinergia, ISSN 2631-2654, 4(1), 6-41. https://doi.org/10.37135/ns.01.07.01 (Original work published 2021)