Carbon footprint evaluation of vehicles with electric motor and internal combustion engine according to Ecuador energetic matrix: Study case KIA Soul vs KIA Soul EV




Carbon footprint, electric vehicle, energy matrix, life cycle, well to wheel


In this work, the results of carbon footprint evaluation of both an internal combustion engine vehicle (ICEV) and battery electric vehicle (BEV), considering the Ecuador energy scene, is presented. For this purpose, Well-to-Wheel analysis was used, firstly determining the electric energy generation matrix of the country. First, the KIA Soul vehicle and KIA Soul EV (electric version) were considered study cases. Then, manufacturers' technical characteristics were used to determine each vehicular technology's carbon footprint and considerations such as util life-route driving, fuel path, util life-time and replacement of batteries, and emissions due to chassis and body vehicle. Obtained results allowed for determining that greenhouse gas emissions in Ecuador due to the ICEV is 236.16 gCO2/km. On the other hand, the BEV emitted 63.14 gCO2/km, significantly barely 27% of emissions. These results represent a positive impact on reducing ambient contamination indices and reinforce the necessity for accelerating the change in the country's energy matrix toward a cleaner and more sustainable energy generation.


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Research Articles and Reviews

How to Cite

Carbon footprint evaluation of vehicles with electric motor and internal combustion engine according to Ecuador energetic matrix: Study case KIA Soul vs KIA Soul EV. (2022). Novasinergia, ISSN 2631-2654, 5(2), 58-75.