Operational Processes Optimization through the theory of constraints in a metal-mechanical company





Integer linear programming (ILP), operational processes, optimization, theory of constraints (TOC), wood processing machines


This work aimed to optimize the operating processes through the Theory of Constraints (TOC) in a metal-mechanical company dedicated to manufacturing wood processing machines. The seven machines with permanent demand and all the operating processes were considered part of the sample. A process time and the available resources were evaluated, to quantify the utilization of the work centers. We indetified restrictions in the cutting and turning processes, with utilization percentages that prevented covering the average monthly demand. Based on the constraints and integer linear programming (ELP), the results show that the maximized production volume did not meet the average monthly demand. Therefore, the cutting process was technified, and the operators were redistributed, thus eliminating the restrictions. However, to optimize production according to the available resources, PLE was again applied. In this way, we optimized production covering the capacity required by the demand and increasing the gross profit by 12.91%.


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Research Articles and Reviews

How to Cite

Operational Processes Optimization through the theory of constraints in a metal-mechanical company. (2022). Novasinergia, ISSN 2631-2654, 5(2), 33-57. https://doi.org/10.37135/ns.01.10.03