Application of micro-sustainable and resilient strategies in the peri-urban neighborhood of San Cayetano in the city of Loja




Micro sustainable, resilience, community participation, periurban neighborhood


The San Cayetano neighborhood in Loja has an irregular topography and mass movement. It is considered an area of risk and vulnerability for those who live there; it lacks accessibility to facilities, green areas, and connectivity; it is a neighborhood with spontaneous dynamic growth, creating "marginal strips of peri-urban transition, to present these shortcomings. This study developed a methodology to generate a base map, diagnose, and formulate sustainable and resilient micro strategies in three axes: connectivity, green areas, and equipment that help to mitigate and thereby create a harmonious development through community participation of theoretical characteristics, developing policies to link different polarities that generate the development of the neighborhood. With this, we seek to establish the theoretical process for a later phase, in which the participatory design process can be executed with the neighborhood to settle the consolidated proposals from the urban scale.


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Research Articles and Reviews

How to Cite

Application of micro-sustainable and resilient strategies in the peri-urban neighborhood of San Cayetano in the city of Loja. (2023). Novasinergia, ISSN 2631-2654, 6(2), 76-95.