Environmental concern and the relationship with nature, an interactive process in adolescents





Adolescents, environmental behavior, gender, environmental concern, relationship with nature


Today's society faces a daily loss of biodiversity, which will increase in the face of climate change and environmental pollution. It is a severe problem in the so-called biodiversity hotspots, such as urban and rural areas of cities where human behavior towards nature is still differentiable, playing a crucial role in environmentalism and biodiversity conservation. The underlying predictive factor structure and related variables were identified according to adolescents' opinions in Cañar, Ecuador. A descriptive field study and a survey developed by Schultz (2001), based on the Environmental Concerns, Relationship with Nature and Portrait Values Scale, was applied to 1086 high school students in the urban area and 226 students in the rural area. In both samples, the self-transcendence values group and time spent in contact with nature are positive environmental concern predictors.


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Research Articles and Reviews

How to Cite

Environmental concern and the relationship with nature, an interactive process in adolescents . (2023). Novasinergia, ISSN 2631-2654, 6(2), 23-45. https://doi.org/10.37135/ns.01.12.02