Design and construction of a prosthesis for a dog's leg with amputation of the front limb through 3D printing
Canine, Dystrophy, Front amputation, Prosthetics, 3D printingAbstract
This work aimed to design and manufacture a prosthetic prototype using additive manufacturing technology, or 3D printing, for a dog that has suffered an amputation. This project began out of the need that dogs that suffered amputations and develop muscular dystrophies and other health problems have, but prosthetics are not commonly found on the market. Alternatively, a prosthesis that meets the animal's needs was designed in computer-aided design (CAD) software. Later, the element was subjected to a static analysis through simulation. Then it was printed, and the prototype was assembled, getting a functional and comfortable element that underwent performance tests with the benefited dog, which presented optimal performance in terms of comfort and functionality. It is concluded that the realization of prosthetics through additive manufacturing technology is not only possible but also an alternative that reduces weight, costs, and time, besides providing enormous ease of design and manufacturing.
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