Reward-based deterministic path planning for discrete 3D environments




optimal path, path planning 3D, UAV


Several branches of study and research arise from uncrewed aerial vehicle (UAV) technology. A relevant in-flight task focuses on path planning in 3D, which implies a high computational cost and, consequently, must be achieved by improving the response time. This work aims to optimize the computation time and determine a complete 3D path. In this sense, a 3D flight environment as a 3D adaptive discrete mesh is considered subjected to minimal refinement in search of collision-free spaces. With the construction of the discrete mesh, a cost response methodology is applied in the manner of the discrete deterministic finite automaton (DDFA), which results in a set of optimal partial responses (recursively computed) that indicate the collision-free spaces in the final 3D path for the UAV flight. As a result, the path-planning 3D algorithm saves computational time and memory resources compared to classical techniques.


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Research Articles and Reviews

How to Cite

Reward-based deterministic path planning for discrete 3D environments. (2023). Novasinergia, ISSN 2631-2654, 6(2), 151-165.