Determination and monitoring of urban noise hotspots considering multiple in situ factors
Noise Pollution, Equivalent Continuous Sound Level (A), Noise Maps, Kriging Method, Critical PointsAbstract
The present research determines and monitors critical points through a multi-criteria analysis in the urban center of the city of Riobamba for its subsequent representation in thematic noise maps. For the selection of critical points, a pondering matrix was made considering the following factors: citizen perception surveys, urban bus routes, proximity to public and private institutions, parks and initial measurements. The monitoring was carried out at 25 prioritized points from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm; the values obtained correspond to the minimum Leq(A), the Leq(A), and the maximum Leq(A). The main results indicates that the main source of noise are the popular markets, on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays, with Leq(A) ranges above 70 dB(A). It is observed that at all points the Leq(A) values exceed the national permissible limit at some time during the day. The noise maps were made using the Kriging method, through the Gaussian semivariogram model, for all days, with the exception of Wednesday when the rational quadratic semivariogram model was used. For these models the RMSE and ASE values indicate high model quality.
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