Analysis of the mechanical characteristics of a eucalyptus timber platform frame wall, without vertical loading
Structure, timber, wall, strength, stiffnessAbstract
Since ancient times, timber has been used as a natural renewable material in construction. Currently in Chile, timber buildings are constructed using platform frame walls. In Ecuador this structural system has not been studied, and it is important to do so in order to promote a greater development in the national construction industry. This paper analyzes the behavior of a timber wall under cyclic and monotonic loads, without vertical load according to ASTM E2126 and ASTM E564 respectively. The wall is made of locally produced eucalyptus timber pieces, covered on both sides with Oriented Strand Board (OSB) panels. The results of the monotonic test showed the maximum capacity of the wall. In the cyclic test, the effective stiffness, effective damping and Story Drift Ratio (SDR) were obtained. It is shown that the specimen has high strength and stiffness, high energy dissipation capacity and is at an immediate occupancy performance level.
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