Analysis of the size effect on the flexural behavior of concrete elements reinforced with plastic fibers
Efecto tamaño, hormigón reforzado con fibras, coeficiente de orientación, tracción por flexiónAbstract
The influence of the size effect on the mechanical properties of concrete is a question studied several decades ago, however, research does not allow us to have a clear idea of how this phenomenon affects the mechanical properties of fiber-reinforced concrete. The present investigation describes the influence of the size effect on the flexural behavior of concrete reinforced with polypropylene fibers. For the analysis, simple concrete reinforced with macro synthetic polypropylene fibers (HRFP) with 3 and 6 kg/m3 of fibers was designed. Prismatic beam-type specimens were made with three different sizes: 100x100x350 mm, 100x200x650 mm and 100x300x950 mm, which were tested in 4-point bending. Stress vs. deflection graphs were made and the orientation coefficient in the fracture plane was calculated. The results indicate that both the maximum resistance reached at the limit of proportionality and the post-cracking residual resistance decrease with increasing specimen size, demonstrating the influence of the size effect.
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