Strategies for improving schedule performance on construction projects




Schedule control, Schedule performance, Improvement strategies, Peru, Construction projects


The execution of construction projects often presents obstacles and deviations, which generate non-compliance. The need to improve schedule performance management is crucial to meeting project goals. This work aimed to identify the key factors of schedule performance in construction projects with the purpose of proposing improvement strategies. A scale questionnaire was developed with 54 factors selected from the literature, which was applied to professionals who work in construction projects in Peru. Subsequently, the factor analysis statistic was applied to the responses of the participants in 2 sets of data: success and failure factors. The analysis grouped separately into 6 common success factors and 7 common failure factors. To identify the key factors, a second survey was carried out based on the common factors and classified using the Relative Importance Index. The results revealed how the top 3 success factors classified as: commitment of those involved in the project, competence of the project manager and competence of the owner. The failure factors found were: conflict between those involved in the project, lack of knowledge of the project manager and the incompetence of the owner. Improvement strategies were proposed, which can be used by those involved, mainly by managers, since decision-making falls on these professionals, therefore, it is necessary to invest time and experience to resolve schedule performance problems.


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Research Articles and Reviews

How to Cite

Strategies for improving schedule performance on construction projects. (2024). Novasinergia, ISSN 2631-2654, 7(2), 164-182.