Structural and kinematic analysis of the prototype of a folding work table




Structural Analysis, numerical analysis, kinematics, folding structure, simulation


In this investigation, a folding table was proposed to optimize space utilization in a workshop. Utilizing computer-aided design (CAD) software, we performed 3D modeling for each structural element and conducted a static table analysis under an established distributed load. Fixed supports were strategically placed at the contact area with the floor. Through computational simulation using the finite element method, a mesh consisting of 390 558 elements and 497 625 nodes was generated with an excellent mesh quality, characterized by a skewness of 0.2234. The analysis revealed a stress of 209.36 MPa, resulting in a safety factor of 1.84 when utilizing ASTM A36 structural steel as the material. To further validate the design, constraints, and displacements were configured, and a kinematic simulation was conducted to showcase the table's range of motion. This comprehensive study confirms the feasibility of the proposed folding table prototype.


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Research Articles and Reviews

How to Cite

Structural and kinematic analysis of the prototype of a folding work table. (2025). Novasinergia, ISSN 2631-2654, 8(1), 19-32.