Diagnosis of the socioeconomic-environmental perception of communities surrounding the Arenillas River Protected Forest Tahuín Dam
Environment, protected forest, community, perception, socioeconomicAbstract
The diagnosis of community perception is a type of research that provides valuable information for problem-solving. The objective of this study was to evaluate the socioeconomic and environmental perception of the communities surrounding the Arenillas River BP Tahuín Dam on the conservation of natural resources and the ecosystem services offered by the forest. The research was descriptive, and the method used was a survey consisting of 9 dichotomous questions. The information was processed and tabulated in Microsoft Excel. Subsequently, the data were analyzed using the SPSS version 26 statistical program, which allowed the determination of the descriptive statistics of means, standard deviation, and error of deviation. The results revealed a significant influence in the perception response by the adult female gender with secondary education for the nine questions. Sixty-nine percent of respondents agreed with the social sphere, 60% with the economic sphere, and 55% with the environmental sphere. The structural reformulation of the forest conservation programs' activities is essential to advance toward a sustainable model in the Arenillas River BP Tahuin Dam.
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