Offline mobile application for the dissemination and revitalization of Malqui Machay's heritage




Malqui Machay, agile method, mobile-d, offline, cultural heritage


This research aimed to implement an offline mobile application to disseminate and enhance the thousand-year-old heritage of Malqui Machay in the canton La Maná, Cotopaxi province, which represents a valuable ceremonial site, a vestige of the Panzaleo culture, located in a rural area without internet access or mobile signal. The research is of a descriptive and field type, which supports the historical importance of the connection with the final abode of Atahualpa to enhance the dissemination and accessibility of Malqui Machay. The Mobile-D methodology was applied based on software functionality and flexibility in its exploration, initialization, production, stabilization, and testing phases. Augmented Reality (AR), Onboarding for specific administrator and user functions, and templates designed in CanvaPro were implemented to improve the visitor experience. The application allowed the short-term implementation of an offline, location-based mobile application, which facilitated the tracing of a path with references containing detailed information and contributed to the promotion, dissemination, and orientation of tourism of the Malqui Machay cultural heritage, constituting an innovative solution to the technical and geographical challenges of the site.


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Research Articles and Reviews

How to Cite

Offline mobile application for the dissemination and revitalization of Malqui Machay’s heritage. (2025). Novasinergia, ISSN 2631-2654, 8(1), 128-141.