Membrane stiffness coefficients for masonry modeling in reinforced concrete buildings
Equivalent diagonal, reinforced concrete structure, confined masonry, structural modeling, stiffnessAbstract
The impact of confined masonry walls made of brick and block on the seismic response of reinforced concrete structures commonly used in regional housing is investigated. The membrane stiffness factors of the masonry walls were determined using a combination of equivalent diagonal modeling techniques and Shell elements. The results obtained from both modeling approaches were compared and iteratively adjusted, showing peaks at wall opening percentages of 5% and 25%. These factors depend on the type and percentage of opening, type of masonry, and frame span, with reductions ranging from 80% to 90%. The analysis revealed significant changes of approximately 25% in the center of rigidity during the initial seismic cycles due to confined masonry walls. This behavior can induce torsional effects and severe structural damage, including collapse. The masonry walls modeled as compression diagonals allowed a better understanding of their contribution to the lateral load resistance. The membrane stiffness factors obtained for Shell elements provide a valuable tool for accurately modeling confined masonry in reinforced concrete structures, improving seismic design and evaluation of housing structures, thus enhancing their safety and resilience against seismic events.
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