Optimization of the slope design in surface mining using the finite element method
Finite elements, slope stability, open pit, phase 2, operational safetyAbstract
This study aims to develop a final design for the Northwest Slope of the Cuajone Mine (Peru) by calculating the factor of safety (FS) using finite element methods, proposing that this method enables a more accurate assessment of slope stability. The methodology included geological and geotechnical characterization of the slope through field mapping, sample analysis, and laboratory testing. A three-dimensional model was created using Phase2 software to simulate the interaction between slope geometry and operational conditions, conducting a stability analysis under different loads and disturbances. The results indicate that the finite element method detailedly evaluated the safety factor and the inter-ramp angle (IRA). In the southern zone (section A-A'), it was determined that an IRA of 43° generates an FS of 1.1. In the northern zone (section B-B'), an IRA of 38° is recommended to achieve an FS of 1.57. These findings are essential for ensuring operational safety and efficiency at the mine, as an inadequate slope design could compromise infrastructure integrity and worker safety. Advanced methods, such as finite element analysis and considering factors like IRA and disturbance factors, allow for a precise slope stability assessment and effective stabilization measures to manage risks and develop specific reinforcement solutions according to the slope's geotechnical configuration.
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