Economic valuation of the water supply service of the Chimborazo river Micro-basin
Economic valuation, Ecosystem Services, Water Production, Economic ReadjustmentAbstract
The Chimborazo River micro-basin in the Parroquia of San Juan of the canton of Riobamba, Chimborazo Province, is the main water resource's producer and supplier for the communities of that area, with a population of about 5425 inhabitants. At present, the payment for the distribution of the water service does not internalize environmental aspects for the protection of an area of hydric importance and for the conservation of biodiversity. In this framework, this research presents the results of the economic valuation of the water supply service, adapting the methodologies of Barrantes and Villavicencio for application to a páramo system, leading to a real estimation of $0.26 / m3. This value was calculated adding the acquisition value ($0.114 / m3), the protection value ($1.33 x 10-6 / m3), the recovery value ($9.3 x 10-2 / m3), the water value as input to production ($1.19 x 10-4 ha / m3); and the operating and administrative costs ($0.054 / m3). The implementation of a tariff readjustment considering the real value would generate compensation mechanisms for the conservation and protection of the environmental water service in the studied area.
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