Perception and expectations of patients from specialized renal health centers: SEVQUAL method and multivariate statistics
Health care quality assessment, patient care, SERVQUAL methodAbstract
Patients undergoing hemodialysis treatment are subjected to high mental and physical stress. The care they receive is vital for their improvement. This research aims to identify the gaps between patient satisfaction and the hemodialysis service quality in centers specializing in renal health in different Ecuador areas. Data from 13 centers were recorded, a questionnaire was designed, and 94% of the patients (3,063) were surveyed, 2,920 considered prevalent, and 143 newly admitted. The SERVQUAL method was applied, validating the instrument through Cronbach's alpha and the cluster technique to group the weaknesses in homogeneous centers. In all dimensions, Cronbach's alpha reached values higher than 0.7, validating the survey. The results show that patient satisfaction was only achieved in the Empathy dimension. However, the gaps are very close to zero in the Reliability, Responsiveness, and Safety dimensions, not on tangible elements. The subdivision of the analysis by homogeneous centers allowed the focus of the strategies to each group. Group 2 was the one with the worst behavior demanding the most significant number of actions, only reaching positive results in the Empathy dimension. Groups 1 and 3 had a more stable behavior, with values very close to or greater than zero in all dimensions. The application of the methodology makes it possible to draw strategies for quality improvement in hemodialysis patients.
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