Increasing the autonomy of a Dayang CHOK-S electric vehicle through solar panels




Autonomy, booster, electric vehicle, photovoltaic systems, solar radiation


The limited autonomy of electric vehicles represents one of the main problems for their commercialization. For this reason, it is essential to increase their autonomy, generating an alternative solution to overcome these obstacles. It is necessary then to promote this type of vehicle, due to its use decrease the oil dependence degree and promote renewable energy use. Implementing solar panels in electric cars responds to the increase in their autonomy since it allows them to take advantage of an inexhaustible source of energy (solar), thus reducing environmental pollution, making the electric vehicle more attractive to users. This paper shows the implementation of one solar panel of 350W into the electric vehicle Dayang CHOK-S under different meteorological conditions. By doing so, the autonomy increases by 33% compared with their real autonomy. Also, it was found that this percentage could increase under relatively high solar radiation conditions. The results show that the battery load is directly proportional to the solar radiation, i.e., the higher the solar radiation higher the vehicle's battery load.


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Research Articles and Reviews

How to Cite

Increasing the autonomy of a Dayang CHOK-S electric vehicle through solar panels . (2020). Novasinergia, ISSN 2631-2654, 3(2), 40-46.