Improving building energy performance by addressing today's demand-side challenges: A review of contributions from Latin America




Building performance, demand-side, energy efficiency, energy use, Latin America


Due to the current global energy crisis, the United Nations' following measures to overcome related challenges have been established with the participant nations' agreements. Despite the efforts to include underdeveloped and developing countries in such a decision process, most contributions continue to be shifted to the northern hemisphere. This work highlights the efforts made by Latin American (LA) countries, between 2018-2020, in contributing specifically to the improvements regarding building energy performance to address current demand-side challenges. Such challenges are related to the demand-side management: (i) uncontrolled peaks in demand and (ii) insufficient transmission and distribution capacity in the power network. LA contributions are classified as independent (studies with LA affiliations for LA countries), collaboration (studies with LA affiliations but not for LA countries), and application (studies with non-LA affiliations for LA countries). Studies were also classified as theoretical, experimental, the combination of both, and reviews. The two-stage filtering methodology implemented resulted in a total of 176 documents as a starting literature list. By focusing only on occupants' aspects, passive and low-consumption solutions, and forecasting techniques for smart buildings, the processed literature list resulted in 73 studies. Results showed that LA countries' efforts reside mostly in implementing strategies previously developed and proposed by developed countries to carry out case studies either independently or in collaboration. Finally, a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis is presented to explain the results obtained.


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Research Articles and Reviews

How to Cite

Improving building energy performance by addressing today’s demand-side challenges: A review of contributions from Latin America. (2020). Novasinergia, ISSN 2631-2654, 3(2), 124-142.