This is an outdated version published on 2021-06-01. Read the most recent version.

Influence of aggregate quality and type of cement in compressive strength of concrete proportioned by volume




Aggregates for concrete, concrete compressive strength, concrete, design of experiments, volume mixture proportioning


Concrete is the most widely used material in construction. Its quality must be assured when it is manufactured on-site. Design Guide 7 recommends batching to volume for non-professional construction workers to manufacture structural concrete in situ. This study aims to promote good practices in the manufacture of concrete due to the high rate of informal construction in Ecuador and to comply with current regulations. The study's main objective is to demonstrate that the quality of concrete can be seriously affected if only batching by volume is used, without considering the properties of its components. The design of experiments (DOE) theory was employed to produce mixes with the same volume proportioning but using different aggregate properties and types of cement commonly available in the market. A mathematical model resulting from the factorial design analysis allowed determining the impact of the referred factors on the concrete compressive strength (f'c), finding a significant affectation in a range of -13.7% to 28.4%. Construction professionals and non-professionals should consider this impact and establish their dosage for each project.


Author Biography

  • César Bermeo, Universidad Central del Ecuador, Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias Aplicadas

    Civil Engineer


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Research Articles and Reviews

How to Cite

Influence of aggregate quality and type of cement in compressive strength of concrete proportioned by volume . (2021). Novasinergia, ISSN 2631-2654, 4(1), 91-101.