Author Guidelines
Types of manuscripts accepted
-Research articles: original and unpublished works, products of investigative studies that have scientific or technical merit.
-Reviews: revision of a topic with exhaustive criticism, meta-analysis on a specific topic in any of the areas of interest of the journal.
Main criteria for papers acceptance
Novasinergia will accept works that correspond to the topics declared in the journal, the content could be partial or total results of research based on science, engineering and technology. The manuscripts should be original solutions to the priority problems of society, the environment and its diversity, complying with quality parameters and the application of international ethical standards that regulate the dynamics of publications.
Articles may be written in Spanish or English. Manuscripts must contain the title, abstract and keywords in the language of the main text and in English when this is not the language of the text.
Submission, review, processing and publication of the article has no cost to the author.
Manuscript preparation: Text Structure
Writing of the manuscript of RESEARCH ARTICLES can be done using Ms Word or LaTeX Editor.
- Download template Ms Word - english
- Download template LaTeX - english
- Download template Ms Word – spanish
- Download template LaTeX - spanish
Writing of the manuscript of REVIEWS can be done using Ms Word or LaTeX Editor.
- Download template Ms Word - english
- Download template LaTeX - english
- Download template Ms Word – spanish
- Download template LaTeX - spanish
Guidelines for the content can be found in the templates.
Page, Text style and size
The page size must be A4 format, with 3 cm margins on all four sides. The manuscript must be at least 7 pages long. Style Text: Times New Roman, size 10 points. Titles of Tables and Figures: 9 points.
Additional remarks
When the manuscript text is not English, present the title, summary and keywords in English (use italics for the Abstract text in another language). The names of the authors must appear under the title (first name and surname), separated by commas and with sequential numbering in superscript format associated with each author’s affiliation. The corresponding author must be marked with an asterisk. Affiliations should appear under the names of the authors including the name of the department (optional), university, city, country, and postcode. Afterwards, the email address of the corresponding author should be included. Sections Conflict of Interest, Acknowledgments and References are not numbered.
Figures and Tables
The title of figures and tables must consist of the text “Figure #: description of the figure, Table #: description of the table,” respectively and with sequential numbering according to the order of appearance. For Tables, use only bottom edge lines to separate titles and in the last row. If the images and tables are not displayed correctly in a single column, the width of the page can be occupied (2 columns).
Equations, symbols and units
The equations must be centered, with its numbering justified on the right, sequentially with Arabic numbers in parentheses. Equations and units must have the correct scientific notation.
For decimals separator is used a point, whereas for large numbers cursive as style.
Interest conflict
The authors must declare in the corresponding section of the manuscript that there is no Conflict of Interest of any nature or if there is any to declare it.
References should be included in the text sequentially as they appear in the text. References should be set in APA formatting style (APA information available here) and included at the end of the document in alphabetical order. Do not include citations in the header or footer of the document.
Acknowledgments are optional.
The title of the appendix and each of the titles are justified to the left, with the following label “Appendix A: xxx”, without section numbering.
Articles must be sent in .tex format generated by TeX/LaTeX or .docx generated by Microsoft Word. Authors wishing to make contributions in the journal can send their work through the website or by email Documents sent by mail must attach a Proof of Delivery form (available here).
Authorship Criteria
All the following authorship criteria are considered by Novasinergia:
- Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work; AND
- Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content; AND
- Final approval of the version to be published; AND
- Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.
In addition to being accountable for the parts of the work he or she has done, an author should be able to identify which co-authors are responsible for specific other parts of the work. In addition, authors should have confidence in the integrity of the contributions of their co-authors.
In the articles we include only one corresponding author, however all the authors are listed, their ORCID and email. The corresponding author takes primary responsibility for communication with the journal during manuscript submission, peer review, and publication process, and ensures that all journal administrative requirements such as authorship details, approval of the preprint version, declarations of conflict of interest, copyright and ethics committee (if applicable), registration documentation and other data, guaranteeing the completeness of the information of all authors.
We assume that the authors decided who the corresponding author will be, acknowledging that they are directly responsible for the manuscript and for direct communication with the Novasinergia editorial team. In cases of disagreement between authors, the guidelines of the Publications Ethics Committee (COPE) will be applied.
The contribution of each author in the research work can be disclosed when submitting an article, in the letter to the editor.
Manuscripts Evaluation
All articles submitted to the journal will be subject to a rigorous review process by specialists in the subject area to which they correspond. The arbitration process must contemplate peer review with the double blind pair modality. Thus, the anonymity and confidentiality of both authors and evaluators is kept explicitly.
At the time the author submits his manuscript, he must commit to the editing process until the end in case his contribution is accepted for publication. The author's statement will be verified that the manuscript is not under submission for publication in other media and that all authors approved the submission to Novasinergia, will also host the editorial standards declared by the journal.
The editorial process consists of three stages, preliminary verification or pre-arbitration, arbitration, and post-arbitration.
In the preliminary verification (pre-arbitration), the editor checks that the manuscript meets the requirements of the journal (originality, subject area, organization, presentation, quality and scientific rigor), as well as the verification of plagiarism and / or prior publication of the content submitted. The review is carried out through the Urkund software, having as a policy that no article that passes to the next phase may present a similarity percentage greater than 5%. The Editor may ask the authors for modifications to the manuscript until it is in a position to be arbitrated, if it finds no possibility of improvement, it will reject them in this instance.
In the arbitration stage the editor will select the blind peer evaluators taking as reference the database of external peers of the journal, considering their predisposition, training, expertise and scientific production. As a result, the arbitrators will issue their opinion for the editor's analysis and in the cases that correspond to the author's recommendations. The evaluation of the peer evaluators will be carried out through the opinion format defined by Novasinergia.
The evaluating peers may issue the following recommendations:
-Accepted for publication
-Accepted for publication after making modifications
-Rejected, it is not recommended to publish the manuscript
If the arbitrator suggest the opinion of "Rejected, it is not recommended to publish the article" and that the other arbitrator determines “Accepted for publication or Accepted for publication after making modifications”, the work will be submitted to review by a third arbitrator, whose opinion will serve as a reference for the final decision.
If modifications are required, the authors must develop them within the established deadline, the process may be cyclical, in which the editor and correspondence author will intervene and if necessary the evaluation peers for a new assessment.
Post-arbitration consists in the preparation of the final version of the manuscript, the issuance of the letters of assignment of rights by the author to Novasinergia, the author's approval of the final version, among other aspects. The publication of the manuscript will be made in the volume and number that the editorial team determines with technical criteria.
The deadlines established for the editorial process are as follows:
* First Instance Review (pre-arbitration): 5 calendar days from when the manuscript is received.
* Second Instance Review (arbitration): 30 calendar days from when the manuscript is delivered to the evaluator.
* Incorporation of Modifications (post-arbitration): 7 calendar days counted from
* Incorporation of Modifications (post-arbitration): 7 calendar days after the corresponding author is notified.
Upon receipt of articles, editors and evaluators are free to suggest partial modifications of their content, without affecting the meaning of the author's arguments. After acceptance of the articles to be published, Novasinergia is free to reproduce the contents for dissemination purposes, duly pointing to the authors. The authors of each article will maintain the intellectual property and rights recognized by law.
The submission and evaluation of material received by Novasinergia means that the authors know and accept the following conditions:
- Authors retain the copyrights (copyright) and assign to Novasinergia the right of first publication of the work, under a Creative Commons Attribution License, which allows third parties to use what is published as long as they refer to the author or authors of the work and their publication in this journal
- Authors can share, copy, distribute, alter, transform, generate a derivative work, execute and publicly communicate the publication in Novasinergia, provided that:
a) the authorship and the original source of s are cited (journal, edition, number and URL of the work);
b) are not used for commercial purposes;
c) the same license terms are maintained.
Ethics in publications
The editorial team of Novasinergia will be inflexible with the bad practices of the authors or members of the editorial team, in case of plagiarism, investigative dishonesty, information concealment, disclosure of confidential information or its inappropriate use for private or third-party benefit, duplication of shipments for publication in other media, fraud, among others. For this we will build on the "Code of Conduct for Journal Publishers" of the COMMITTEE ON PUBLICATION ETHICS available here.
Novasinergia will respect at all times the privacy of both editors, authors and manuscript reviewers who act as blind peers. Intellectual property rights fall on the authors.
If the Magazine suspects a misconduct in terms of publication or investigation, it will proceed as follows:
- Suspicions of plagiarism in article received.
- Suspicions of plagiarism in published article.
- Suspicion of duplicity in article.
- Suspicion of conflict of interest in article.
- Suspicion of ethics problems in article received.
- Suspicions of invented data in received article.
- Suspicions of invented data in published article.
If change of author or extension to more authors would be necessary, once the process of arbitration of the manuscript has begun, the Journal will proceed according to the COPE code of ethics.
Submission Preparation Checklist
Todos los envíos deben cumplir los siguientes requisitos.
- El envío no ha sido publicado previamente ni se ha sometido a consideración por ninguna otra revista (o se ha proporcionado una explicación al respecto en los Comentarios al editor/a).
- Las tablas e imágenes guardan claridad, son autoexplicativas y necesarias para la secuencia lógica de la información proporcionada en el texto del manuscrito.
- En general, el texto se adhiere a los requisitos estilísticos y biliográficos resumidos en las Directrices del autor/a, que aparecen en Acerca de la revista.
- En caso de que el manuscrito sea aceptado para su publicación, el autor se compromete a continuar con el proceso de edición final.
- Todos los autores del manuscrito están en total acuerdo con el envío del documento para su evaluación y posible publicación en Novasinergia.
- El archivo de envío está en formato Word, cumple las normas editoriales de Novasinergia, o a su vez usa las plantillas entregadas en la Sección Enviar un Artículo.
- Todas las citas y referencias se declaran según las Normas APA V.7.
Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses provided in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes established therein.