Editorial Board, Editorial, Table of Contents


  • NOVASINERGIA Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo




In its volume 2, number 2, NOVASINERGIA presents a set of research in the field of vehicular transit, the experimental validation of a control algorithm for a mobile robot, the graphical user interface of a synchrotron light beam. Also, in the area of sanitary hydraulics, the waste of water through sanitary equipment. Likewise, this issue presents a study on detecting Cd(II) and Pb(III) in urine samples using carbon electrodes modified with bimetal alloys. The issue includes a study conducted to characterize the technical aspects of work clothing and mitigate occupational hazards. Finally, it shows a successful experience of applying the methodology Lean six sigma in the Public Cement Company. This set of works offers an image of the NOVASINERGIA multidisciplinary character. We appreciate and value the work done by our authors, referees, and the entire NOVASINERGIA editorial team. Thanks to all the collaborators.


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How to Cite

Editorial Board, Editorial, Table of Contents. (2019). Novasinergia, ISSN 2631-2654, 2(2), I - VI. https://novasinergia.unach.edu.ec/index.php/novasinergia/article/view/120