Editorial Board, Editorial, Table of Contents
NOVASINERGIA presents with great optimism its first issue. Our inaugural call has been very well received, and we are deeply grateful. Volume 1, number 1 of NOVASINERGIA, begins its editorial journey with scientific interest articles to advance our knowledge in multiple disciplines. We hope that this edition will promote our readers’ empowerment in our publications. The issue begins with research results in dynamic topological systems. Likewise, this issue presents a critical review of organometallic compounds and their therapeutic potential in cancer treatment. The issue continues with a research report on the consumption and supply of drinking water, a study on cost estimation using neural networks, and a report on identifying usability patterns of e-government sites. The following papers deal with developing new communication technologies for children with Down syndrome, WiFi applications, and Oncorhynchus mykiss trout meat conservation. The last two papers deal with the Papaya enzymes softening effect on the beef and the dissatisfaction of building contractors with the public contracting system. We appreciate and value the work done by our authors, referees, and all the NOVASINERGIA editorial team. Thanks to all contributors.
- 2021-05-25 (3)
- 2021-05-20 (2)
- 2018-06-12 (1)