Study of the behavior of the residential hourly consumption of drinking water in the Guano canton, El Rosario parish




Water, Hourly flow rate, Consumption coefficient, Hourly consumption curves, Distribution network


This study analyzes the main factors that influence drinking water consumption, as well as the hourly water consumption patterns in residential areas of El Rosario parish. A study of urban characterization was applied by means of technical data sheets and statistical analysis that showed 3 stratifications in the sector (B, C and D). Surveys were conducted to determine the factors that affect drinking water consumption, and an hourly record was made of readings of 219 water meters 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The consumption of drinking water recorded showed increases that depend on factors such as the number of users who have the service, type of residence, sanitary units in use and other external characteristics. Hourly consumption curves were obtained for each distribution network and the coefficients of variation of maximum and minimum hourly consumption. The maximum flows occur at 13h00 with 94.76 l/h and at 19h00 with 73.46 l/h, the maximum coefficient of variation of hourly consumption (Kh_max) is 3.44, a value that exceeds that established in the current national regulation CPE INEN 5 (1992); the values of the maximum coefficients of each neighborhood are presented through georeferenced digitalization.


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Research Articles and Reviews

How to Cite

Study of the behavior of the residential hourly consumption of drinking water in the Guano canton, El Rosario parish. (2024). Novasinergia, ISSN 2631-2654, 7(2), 18-35.