Efficiency, workload, occupational health and safety in the construction industry in the main cities of Ecuador





Construction, efficiency, management, occupational safety, workload


The construction industry involves complex systems that involve aspects such as workload and compliance with economic goals and project deadlines, among others. The management of these aspects determines that workers are subjected to work environments with high demands of physical and mental effort and prone to accidents. This research aimed to establish the trade-offs between occupational safety and health (OHS) management, efficiency, and workload in construction companies. Thirty construction companies in Ecuador associated with the construction chambers of Quito, Cuenca, and Guayaquil participated in the study. A questionnaire validated by experts was developed with three questions related to management in three dimensions: workload, efficiency, and safety. This research shows that companies trade OHS and workload for greater efficiency and profitability. Furthermore, the results of this study suggest the areas in which construction companies should implement improvements to achieve better management performance.


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Research Articles and Reviews

How to Cite

Efficiency, workload, occupational health and safety in the construction industry in the main cities of Ecuador. (2022). Novasinergia, ISSN 2631-2654, 5(1), 150-162. https://doi.org/10.37135/ns.01.09.09